Kunto Wibowo AP


My name is Kunto Wibowo Agung Prodjonoto. I was born in Surabaya April 24th, 1969. I live in West Jakarta, Indonesia. I am an Indonesian Navy Officer with the rank of Colonel (Captain) with a service period of 28 years. I graduated from the Naval Academy in 1992 since my education in 1989. I have 10 years of experience in the warships of the Republic of Indonesia in corvettes and fast missile boats. The rest served as staff, especially planning staff and operations staff at Fleet Command 1, Fleet Command 2, Navy Sea Transport Command, Main Naval Base and Educational Institutions as Senior lecturers at the Naval Staff and Command School. Apart from that, I am also a researcher. General education: universal war strategy study program and human resource management study program. Expertise: human resource management; strategic planning area; field of analysis; areas of strategy, policy and decision making; operations and training; and education. I love research, innovation and scientific development. thanks.


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Autor: Kunto Wibowo AP

eBooks 2
Instituto / Universidad Indonesian Navy Staf and College
Profesión LECTURER
Autor desde 23/6/2020