The answer to this question seems to be very simple. Global governance is bound to be undemocratic because, according to Dahrendorf, Internationalisation “almost invariably means a loss of democracy”1. Why and if this is the case will be examined in this essay. Governance, in contrast to government2, “refers to the process of making collective decisions, [...] in international relations, for example, no world government exists to resolve problems but many issues are resolved by negotiation”3. After a discussion about democracy in this context, the focus will be laid on different global intergovernmental organisations (IGOs), followed by a future outlook over possible future alternative possibilities and restraints. It will be shown that international democratic decision making is not likely to happen.
Before entering the discussion, it is necessary to define what the term ´democracy` refers to. Normally it is used in a national context, and even within this context there exist various forms in parallel in neighbouring nations, whose political styles span from governmental to federal, and from one party to multiple party systems. Regarding the international order, which can be seen as a society of states, definition becomes more difficult. A basic definition is offered by the MSN Encarta as follows: “A political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish”4; but this refers merely to the ´people` and to a permanent institutional idea that does catch the real process. The definition of a “democratic governmental system [which describes] a system of government based on the principle of majority decision-making”5 might suit here better, although it uses the term government instead of governance. Hence a decision in international terms has to be supported by the majority to be called democratic. Yet it is not clear what kind of majority this could be. Is it the majority of states? This implies that each state would have one voice without special rights unlike a veto. However, is this really democratic? This would favour small (in size and population), generally powerless and poor states and put large, populous, generally rich and influential countries at a disadvantage.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Is global governance bound to be undemocratic?
- Democracy
- Democracy in a National Context
- Defining Democracy in an International Context
- Global Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs)
- The United Nations
- The World Trade Organisation
- Future Outlook
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay examines the question of whether global governance is inherently undemocratic, exploring the challenges of applying democratic principles to the international system. It delves into the nature of democracy in both national and international contexts, analyzing the role of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.
- The challenges of defining and implementing democracy in the international system
- The potential for undemocratic practices within global governance
- The limitations of IGOs in promoting democratic decision-making
- The influence of power dynamics and national interests on global governance
- The future of democratic decision-making in international relations
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- The essay begins by defining democracy in both national and international contexts, highlighting the challenges of applying national models of democracy to the international system.
- It then explores the issue of majority rule in international governance, arguing that any system of majority decision-making is likely to disadvantage certain states, whether based on population size, economic power, or other factors.
- The essay focuses on the United Nations and the World Trade Organization as examples of global governance institutions, analyzing their respective democratic structures and the potential for undemocratic practices.
- It examines the role of power dynamics and national interests in shaping international decision-making, arguing that powerful states often exert disproportionate influence on global governance institutions.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Global governance, democracy, intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), United Nations, World Trade Organization, power dynamics, national interests, international relations.
- Citation du texte
- Peter Tilman Schuessler (Auteur), 2002, Is global governance bound to be undemocratic?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,