This study sought to identify the factors influencing sustainability of self-help group projects in Taita Taveta district. The focus was on self-help groups supported through the Agricultural Sector Programme Support (ASPS). The research design was a descriptive survey involving 30 self-help groups and 20 frontline extension workers. Both secondary and primary data were collected. The collected data were tabulated and then analyzed using the "list and tally" method. After all the responses were tallied, frequency and percentage distribution tables were prepared.
The key recommendations of the study were the training of private service providers (PSPs) to supplement services offered by the few existing public and private service providers. Similarly, the approval of National Agricultural Sector Extension Policy –Implementation Framework (NASEP-IF) and the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS) policy documents will bolster provision of advisory services as they recognize the role played by the private sector in agricultural development. Social loafing was ranked highly as a factor influencing sustainability of self-help group projects. This study recommends further research on the concept of social loafing, to determine its causes, effects and how self-help groups can deal with it.
Group approach to development is seen by development partners both public and private as the most cost- effective way of addressing community needs when compared with the individual approach. Interventions managed by self-help groups operate profitably when external assistance is flowing. However, after the cessation of external support, most of these projects either collapse or continue to operate below capacity. Most development partners are raising concerns over the sustainability of self-help group projects.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.1 Background of the study.
- 1.2 Statement of the problem
- 1.3 Purpose of the study....
- 1.4 Objectives of the study.
- 1.5 Research questions...........
- 1.6 Significance of the study...
- 1.7 Scope of the study.
- 1.8 Delimitations of the study..\li>
- 1.9 Basic Assumptions of the study...
- 1.10 Limitations of the study.
- 1.11 Definition of significant terms used in the study..\li>
- 1.12 Organization of the study......
- 2.1 Introduction......
- 2.2 Definition of sustainability
- 2.3 Concept of sustainable development.
- 2.4 Sustainability of projects
- 2.5 Third party influence.
- 2.6 Group decision making processes.
- 2.7 Group dynamics.........
- 2.8 Project management.......
- 2.9 Social loafing
- 2.10 Advisory services.........
- 2.11 Knowledge gap
- 2.12 Conceptual framework...
- 2.13 Summary of literature..\li>
- 3.1 Introduction......
- 3.2 Research design
- 3.3 Target population and sample size............
- 3.4 Sampling procedure.
- 3.5 Data collection instruments and methods.
- 3.6 Validity and reliability.
- 3.7 Ethical considerations..\li>
- 3.8 Methods of data analysis
- 3.9 Operational definition of variables
- 4.1 Introduction.......
- 4.2 Response analysis......
- 4.3 Profile of respondents.
- 4.4 Factors influencing sustainability of self help projects
- 5.1 Introduction……......
- 5.2 Summary of findings.
- 5.3 Discussion of the findings..\li>
- 5.4. Conclusions...........
- 5.5 Recommendations.....
- 5.6 Suggestions for further research
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This research project report examines the factors influencing the sustainability of self-help group projects in Taita Taveta District, Kenya. It aims to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by these projects, identify key determinants of their success, and offer recommendations for improving their long-term impact.
- The sustainability of self-help group projects in Taita Taveta District.
- The factors that contribute to the success or failure of self-help group projects.
- The role of external actors and support systems in the sustainability of self-help groups.
- The impact of group dynamics and decision-making processes on project sustainability.
- The importance of knowledge sharing and capacity building for self-help group members.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One provides an introduction to the study, outlining the background, statement of the problem, purpose, objectives, research questions, significance, scope, delimitations, assumptions, limitations, definition of terms, and organization of the study. Chapter Two explores the relevant literature on sustainability, sustainable development, project sustainability, third-party influence, group decision-making processes, group dynamics, project management, social loafing, advisory services, knowledge gaps, and a conceptual framework.
Chapter Three details the methodology and research design employed in the study, including the research design, target population, sample size, sampling procedure, data collection instruments and methods, validity and reliability, ethical considerations, data analysis methods, and operational definitions of variables. Chapter Four presents the collected data, analyzes the findings, and interprets the results.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This research focuses on the sustainability of self-help group projects, exploring factors that influence their success. Key themes include sustainable development, group dynamics, project management, knowledge gaps, and the role of external actors and support systems. The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach to analyze the data, including quantitative and qualitative techniques.
- Citar trabajo
- Harrison Kiamba (Autor), 2010, Which factors influence the sustainability of self help group projects in Taita Taveta District?, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,