Intra-EU Labour mobility. Pros and Cons

Trabajo Universitario, 2018

9 Páginas

Resumen o Introducción

Intra-EU migration is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the EU, together with free movement of goods, services and capital, introduced with the Rome Treaties in 1957. The first part of this paper is dedicated to elucidate labour mobility and its characteristic, the central discussion and aim is to analyse the pro and contra of labour mobility within the European Union, and in the concluding part, I will mention some proposals made by scholars, which could support positive changes in the field of intra-EU mobility. Although the literature about labour mobility is quite exhaustive, the main problem are the resources. Analysing intra-EU migration at macro level is quite different, there is a lack of data and transnational surveys. Although a detailed analysis is not provided, scholars try to comprehend more about the phenomena. This topic has a strong meaning in our lives, at several levels. The author Baldwin explains that migration has a political and economic meaning within the EU. From a political perspective citizens of EU enjoy mobility and this affects the image European citizens have about their neighbours; from an economical point of view, which is the focus of this paper, mobility of labours allows worker to best use their skills and experiences, and firms can enjoy from competent workers. Baldwin`s analysis begins by defining the difference between goods and national labour markets, which have their own regulation. According to Baldwin the reason for this is that Member States have limited migration within the EU and there are important differences among the MS, different legislations and different practices. Within the EU we find countries more privileged than others. What makes individuals take the decision to move? Zimmermann analyses the main push-factors, which make EU citizens move to other MS, these factors are: job, education, family and others. At the same time, the author suggests that future factors could be: work and income, social network, housing and local environment.


Intra-EU Labour mobility. Pros and Cons
University of Malta  (Institute for European Studies)
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
Palabras clave
intra-eu, labour, pros, cons
Citar trabajo
B.A. Integrated European Studies Amelia Martha Matera (Autor), 2018, Intra-EU Labour mobility. Pros and Cons, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,


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