The Raging Debate of Net Neutrality

Essai, 2017

7 Pages, Note: 1.6

Résumé ou Introduction

The term net neutrality is elusive, partly because its meaning varies depending on the speaker and associated agenda. The general perception of the term is used to describe two distinct proposed regulation related to broadband Internet providers. One proposal suggests that regulators would and enforce some regulations that would determine acceptable network management practices, as well as unacceptable degradation of disfavored internet application and antecedent content. The other argument suggest that the regulators would ban an internet access provider from signing commercial agreements with some applications and content providers in order to provide sophisticated performance enhancement technology that is essential in the support of unusually performance-sensitive contents and applications, for example, the real-time streaming of videos. The two proposals are distinct but complement each other. Most net neutrality proponents advocate the anti-blocking rule as well as close regulation of business-to-business relations between networks and content providers. These proposals are likely to be the focus of telecommunication policy for some time to come. The proposals have got the attention of Congress, who already has some bills on the topic. The President has weighed in the debate with his demand that a strong form of regulation. The papers aim to examine the anti-trust implication on net neutrality regulations.

Résumé des informations

The Raging Debate of Net Neutrality
N° de catalogue
ISBN (ebook)
Taille d'un fichier
486 KB
Mots clés
raging, debate, neutrality
Citation du texte
Caroline Mutuku (Auteur), 2017, The Raging Debate of Net Neutrality, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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