Over the decades, technological advancement in medical technology has advanced to ensure that experts in the operating rooms such as radiographers, anesthesiologists, and surgeons work collaboratively to produce effective results. The components of a hybrid suite call for a suite that is large enough to accommodate the required equipment in reference to the kind of intervention technique. The hybrid technology is a novice avenue to new diagnostic and treatment possibilities and has taken minimally invasive medical procedures to a new level. Huynh and Bechara (2013) note that hybrid interventions are integral to limb revascularization procedures, accounting for 5% to 21% of all these procedures. The hybrid equipment is flexible in that they can be integrated into the case of operative procedures as well as stand-alone components as shown in the CT section. Therefore, this literature review focuses on creating understanding on the impact of hybrid technology in the operating room.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Patrick Kimuyu (Autor:in), 2017, Impact of Hybrid Technology in the Operating Room, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/384453
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