When companies are trying to start, expand or save their business they are forced to choose a business growth strategy to achieve the goals set. There are two main options for companies to grow: Organically, with the own and internal resources of the company or inorganically with the help of external cooperation. Before choosing one of these growth options companies have to thoroughly evaluate which strategy is best for them, as every strategy has its advantages and disadvantages and the strategy has to fit the current economy situation of the companies. There are several of factors which the companies have to consider for a successful implementation of the growth strategy.
List of acronyms, figures and tables
1. Introduction
1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Approach of this paper
2. Concepts and strategies of business growth models
2.1 Organic business growth
2.1.1 The Ansoff Matrix
2.1.2 Success factors
2.2 Inorganic business growth
2.2.1 Alliances
2.2.2 Mergers & Acquisitions
2.2.3 Success factors
3. Practical analysis of business growth strategies
3.1 Sony
3.2 Cisco Systems
4. Critical appraisal
4.1 Advantages and disadvantages
4.2 Which strategy to choose?
5. Conclusion
- Citation du texte
- Tim Meierkord (Auteur), 2016, Analysis of growth strategies. Organic vs. inorganic growth, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/379821
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