Common Building Defects. Causes, Types, and Examples

Term Paper, 2017

17 Pages, Grade: A



Chapter one
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Aim & Objectives
1.3.1 General objectives
1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study are to
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 limitation of the study
1.7 Conceptual and Theoretical definition of terms

Chapter two-- Literature Review
2.1 What is building Defect?
2.2 Causes of Building defects
2.3 Category of Building Defects
2.4 Types of Defect
2.4.1 Erosion of Mortar
2.4.2 Peeling Paint
2.4.3 Cracking of Walls / Leaning Walls
2.4.4 Unstable Foundations
2.4.5 Roof Defects
2.4.6 Honeycombing
2.4.7 Dampness

Chapter Three – Methodology





Chapter one

1.1 Introduction

In development extends the nature and kind of imperfections can fluctuate strikingly, as can the time when they end up plainly clear or promptly saw (Outlaw, 2011). Building imperfection jumps out at either the new building or the old ones. Imperfection inside new structures is perhaps of resistance with Building Code and distributed satisfactory resilience’s and principles. Then the more established structures, or working out of guarantee period, may not consent to these gauges but rather should be judged against the standard at the season of development or renovation. (Corridor 1988). Physical foundation constitutes a high extent of the nation's speculation. It is subsequently of essential significance that these offices which incorporate open structures are kept up all together that they can serve both the engineering and aesthetical capacities for which they are manufactured. The physical appearance of structures constitutes the premise whereupon the general public makes their underlying judgment of the nature of administrations to be advertised. Both private structures and in addition office structures are inclined to abandons because of their perpetual and protracted utilization. All components of structures decay at a more noteworthy or lesser rate subject to materials and strategies for development, ecological conditions and the utilization of the structures (HMSO 1972). As indicated by Seeley 1987, disregard of support has collective outcomes with quickly expanding crumbling of the texture and completions of a building joined by destructive consequences for the substance and tenants. Along these lines, structures are excessively profitable resources, making it impossible to be dismissed thusly. broken development practice is additionally one of the real reasons for building abandons, this imperfection to building can be compared to illness that abbreviates human life. They are imperfections or physical deformation that keeps a building structures from its esteem. Henceforth deserts if not immediately gone to may additionally fall apart and hinder the value or utility of a property or a structure, for example, building.

1.2 Statement of problem

Building deformity is one of the significant segments of building that required consideration. At the point when a building neglects to execute as it should, we instantly search for answers. Is the issue being the aftereffect of somebody's inability to collect it legitimately? Is the issue a demonstration of nature? Was the correct upkeep of the building not executed as it ought to have been? The appropriate responses regularly rely on various elements: the age of the influenced constructing segment, the correct way of the issue, the nearness or nonattendance of human mistake, or some blend of each of the three. The chose contextual investigation (as saw) is in a condition of unfortunate states of auxiliary deterioration and if remedial measures are not legitimately completed, it could bring about an aggregate breakdown of the basic segment. The present building is currently a home for imperfections that ought to have been maintained a strategic distance from if legitimate achievability anticipating upkeep has been given insight ideal from the plan and development stages

1.3 Aim & Objectives

1.3.1 General objectives

The aim of this study is to evaluate and identify the building defects on the selected case study building

1.3.2 Specific Objectives of the study are to

1. To identify and analyze the types of building defects that occurred on the selected building
2. To assess the causes and effects of the building defects on the selected building
3. To suggest how to eliminate building defects in the selected building

1.4 Significance of the study

Most development imperfections causing crumbling of building segments are avoidable if legitimate support culture and practice had been developed ideal from the commencement of the working, in actuality, upkeep of building begins promptly development stops. Be that as it may, the chose contextual investigation is a regular cases of carelessness of upkeep practice, the majority of the imperfections distinguished are avoidable deformities which could have been stayed away from. Additionally, research can broaden the extension on this zone to help edify individuals on avoidable deformities.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study was limited to the selected building at Isawo, ikorodu Lagos state because of the limited time in covering several other building with same defective symptoms (Building defects)

1.6 limitation of the study

As a result of the various building absconds related with building parts, not all the building imperfections could be recognized as this examination is constrained to building abandons following up on private building. Despite the above confinements, the review comes about have not been influenced and in this way are trustworthy, dependable and helpful for any reasons for assessment and criticisms

1.7 Conceptual and Theoretical definition of terms

- Building maintenance: This is the work or activity carried out in order to keep or restore a building to its initial condition of completion
- Construction Defect: Any problem that reduces the value of a building
- Design: This is the totality of activities that are involved in actualizing the space requirement in a building and enclosing space
- Defects/Fault: Error in simulating what one wants to build or absence of something essential to completeness, lack or a deficiency
- Faulty design: Faulty design is a deficiency in design or error in design

Chapter two-- Literature Review

2.1 What is building Defect?

Webster word reference characterizes building absconds as an inadequacy; an insufficiency intends to be needing, ailing in some quality important for fulfillment. (California jury, 2001) likewise characterizes building deserts as a disappointment of building or any segment to be raised in a sensibly workmanlike way or to play out the way planned by the producer or sensibly expected by the purchaser which roughly makes harm the structure. (Akinsola, 2010 pp. 58) characterizes a building imperfection as any blame in the parts or entire of a building which sterns the execution of the building part in which its happens. A building or development imperfection is a deformity or lack in the outline, development, or materials on a development extend. Extensively, incorporating deserts fall with two (2) classifications: surrenders that influence the execution of the structure, and deformities that influence the presence of the structure. From the lawful point of view, a building imperfection is characterized in fairly extraordinary terms. Lawfully, a building imperfection is an infringement of the relevant construction law, an infringement of the standard of care in the group in which the venture is found, or an infringement of the producer's proposals (Mann, 2007) Defect is the dissention of a part with a standard or determined trademark. Imperfection is utilized some of the time as an equivalent word for "disappointment", yet the favored significance is to demonstrate just a deviation from a few (saw) standard that may, however won't really, result in disappointment (David, 1997)

2.2 Causes of Building defects

Building surrenders emerges through improper or poor plan, detail and development and in addition lacking consideration given to building support. It can certainly be said that no building is free from deformities, not even another one, close supervision on quality procedures will diminishes the quantity of imperfections and great review will uncover any undeniable deformity. A deformity alludes to the unmistakable proof of an undesirable condition in progress influencing serviceability, basic condition or appearance. Damaged building development not just adds to the last cost of the item additionally to the cost of support which can be generous. Deficient development incorporates exercises, for example, compaction not done to detail prompting ground subsidence and in the end early crumbling of each segment of the building, this may prompt finish disappointment of a structure with high cost of support on the long run. Deserts bringing about off base development can be maintained a strategic distance from by guaranteeing that appropriate examination instruments are set up. (Adeyeye, 2009) expressed in this respects most nearby working in Nigeria experiences avoidable deformities. As per the National Building Agency (1985), deserts happen either in light of poor plan, or low quality workmanship, or on the grounds that the building was not built by the outline, or on the grounds that it has been liable to elements not took into consideration in the plan. These essential drivers may work separately or in blend and result in imperfections demonstrated by changes in organization of materials; in the development itself; in the size, shape or weight of materials; or basically in appearances

2.3 Category of Building Defects

The defect can be divided into two categories, which are:
a) Structural defect

Basic imperfection implies any deformity in an auxiliary component of a building that is owing to blemished plan, inadequate or flawed workmanship or deficient material and once in a while any blend of these. Building structure incorporates earth holding dividers, sections, bars and level sections. (Northern Territory Consolidated Regulation) According to the Engineering Encyclopedia, basic imperfection can be classified as splits in establishments (Substructure), breaks in floor or pieces (superstructure), and breaks in dividers (superstructure). These imperfections can be caused by shameful soil investigation, improper site determination, and the utilization of deficient materials. The greater part of the auxiliary issue can be stayed away from by inferring the correct and detail of the outline and arranging. Auxiliary deformities in a building can happen after some time because of crumbling, wear and tear, over-burdening, and poor support. They should be repaired to keep up the building's structure and to keep any further disappointments. Consistent investigation is the way to securing the "wellbeing" of a building's structure. Basic deformity that dependably happens are steel consumption, splits, and redirection.

b) Non-structural defect

As per Northern Territory Consolidated Regulation, a non-basic deformity in a private building is depicted as an imperfection in a non-basic component of the working subsequently of blemished private building work. As per the Engineering Encyclopedia, non-auxiliary deformity incorporates imperfection in block work, moistness in old structures, and imperfections in mortar works.

2.4 Types of Defect

2.4.1 Erosion of Mortar

Joints Basically, the principle capacity of a mortar joint is to try and out abnormalities of individual squares, regardless of whether they are of stones or blocks. In the meantime, it gives some grip between the pieces. Rotted mortar can be expelled persuasively by the utilization of a mechanical plate or deliberately raked out by utilizing a blade or spike physically.

2.4.2 Peeling Paint

Peeling paint for the most part happens on building veneers, principally on put dividers, segments and different regions which are presented to unnecessary rain and suddenness. A few structures situated close to the ocean may confront a substantially more serious hazard once the indications of peeling paint are obvious on the outside dividers.

2.4.3 Cracking of Walls / Leaning Walls

Aside from conveying loads from rooftops and floors to establishments, outer dividers might be unsafe to a building on the off chance that they are fundamentally unsound. Splits in divider, either vertical or corner to corner, are regular indications of basic unsteadiness

2.4.4 Unstable Foundations

Establishments are a piece of a building which disseminates loads from rooftops, dividers and floors on to the earth beneath. They are fundamentally vital to the lasting of a building and if this is missing there is no point of spending substantial wholes of cash on other shallow reclamation work

2.4.5 Roof Defects

Other than being one of the principle structures in a building, rooftop may go about as a climate shield, offering assurance to clients or tenants from rain and sun. Subsequently, it is critical to treat any maturing rooftop tiles.

2.4.6 Honeycombing

Honeycombing alludes to voids in cement caused by the mortar not filling the spaces between the coarse total particles. It normally winds up noticeably clear when the formwork is stripped, uncovering a harsh and "stony" solid surface with air voids between the coarse total. Once in a while, be that as it may, a surface skin of mortar veils the degree of the deformity. Honeycombing may broaden some profundity into the part. Honeycombing is dependably a stylish issue, and relying upon the profundity and degree may diminish both the toughness execution and the auxiliary quality of the part. Arrangement of honeycombing is because of the nearness of air and rise at the surface of formwork and results a detachment amongst totals and bond blend. This issue will harm the solid and more genuine assault the support bar in cement.

2.4.7 Dampness

Dampness can be a genuine matter, especially to structures situated close water sources. Does it break down building structures as well as harms to decorations. The primary driver of clamminess is water entering a working through various courses. Water infiltration happens usually through dividers presented to winning wet wind or rain. With the presence of gravity, water may infiltrate through vessels or splits between mortar joints, and blocks or squares before working up trap dampness behind hard renders. Water may likewise drive additionally up the divider to rise at a more elevated amount. Clamminess additionally happens in dividers because of different components, for example, spilling canals or down funnels, faulty channels, burst pipes and buildup because of lacking ventilation.

Chapter Three – Methodology

To decide an extensive example estimate which must be illustrative of the populace, 10% of each building segment was chosen; and resultantly, a sum of 25 structures segment (from the contextual analysis building) were chosen haphazardly to distinguish the building imperfection influencing each of the segments usefulness. To additionally dispense with fluctuation and enhanced information quality, constructing that come up short one of the accompanying criteria were chosen for the contextual analysis: (1) Building that are in basic or vile conditions or state (2) Building without any deformities records (3) Building with no upkeep records. On this premise, an aggregate of one building was distinguished in accordance with the conditions at Isawo, Ikorodu Lagos state and basically examined to recognize the imperfections on every part. A sum of 25 deformities was distinguished in the building segment (as clarified in table 1.0)

a. Case study

The contextual investigation building (demonstrated as follows) is a private building arranged at ikorodu North Local government, an electronic or physical visit to this area will affirm the despicable condition of this building. The building has been in presence since 1999 (around 18 years prior) with no type of upkeep from the tenant and proprietor as per the information gathered from living arrangement. In this record, the review is worried with the examination of a few imperfections that are the aftereffects of basic development exercises in Nigeria and how such issues might be redressed in ensuing building ventures.

Figure 3.1 Shows a residential building at Isawo, Ikorodu in a dilapidated state

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b. Findings and Discussion

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c. Defects in Building Services Installation

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Table: 2 Causes and symptoms of common defects in building services

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Table: 3.2 Common building defects and their symptoms


The review concentrates on the evaluation of faulty development in Nigerian structures, taking a contextual investigation of a private building, Isawo, Ikorodu, Lagos state. The review found that:

- Defective development is for the most part a consequence of imperfect building materials, development strategies, poor workmanship, and lacking supervision.
- Most of it can be credited to poor building materials and poor workmanship.
- The rate of imperfect development can be limited by the utilization of value building materials and completions, able laborers, and sufficient supervision.
- Proper correspondence is an essential instrument in building development to give correspondence amongst bosses and development works, appropriate correspondence and collaboration are additionally vital.


1. Proper development administration and quality control measures are required amid execution of undertakings.
2. Strict supervision of building activities must be given.
3. To enhance the profitability of building development laborers, building preparing and training would be fundamental. Preparing of laborers ought to be all the time. This can be as at work preparing, workshops, courses or meetings,
4. More mindfulness crusades ought to be completed by the three levels of government and their organizations on the requirement for consistence with the proper building directions (e.g. among contractual workers, experts, partners and the overall population) and the perils related with their rebelliousness/avoidance.
5. The Town Planning Authority ought to keep up skilled experts in the applicable regions for outline endorsement and from a long haul point of view, give the essential preparing. In addition, there ought to be customary observing visits to all the development locales with a view to guaranteeing consistence with the endorsed fabricating plans.
6. More consideration ought to be engaged towards the private or casual division, with a view to checking their abundances.
7. There is a requirement for further mindfulness bringing on the threat up in belittling uncouth individuals for development exercises.


It ought to be called attention to that, whole structures are subjected to the different types of deformities, disappointments, weakening and variety. The writing has investigated various building deformities and its commitment variables which can be related to the significant subject of this paper. It is huge to evaluate each imperfection and disappointment in all aspects of building and discover the essential drivers of every individual deformity and disappointment. At that point, cure them effectively. The commitment variables to these imperfections and disappointments must be researched strongly. Once the conceivable reasons for the imperfections and disappointments have been found, it is basic to recognize how to avoid it later on and lessen the impact to the base.


Akinsola, K. (2010). Building Survey Practice (1st ed.). Lagos.

Hall, D. (1988). Building defect inspection and report.

Hall, D. (1988). Building Defect Inspection and Report.

Moser, & Kalton. (1971). Survey methods in Social Investigation (2nd ed.). London: Heinemann.

Outlaw. (2011). Defective Work in construction projects. Retrieved from

Robert, M. S. (2007). Defect-Free Buildings: A Construction Manual for Quality control and conflict Resolution. Newyork: McGraw-Hill.

Seeley, I. H. (1987). Building Maintenance. UK, London: The Macmillan Press.

Excerpt out of 17 pages


Common Building Defects. Causes, Types, and Examples
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Tope Okuntade (Author), 2017, Common Building Defects. Causes, Types, and Examples, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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