It is the lecture notes deliberated in the class. Presentation about "Integrating conservation science and policy: ICDPs" (Unit 5 Lecture 4)
About the content of the presentation:
- Integrated Conservation & Development
- "ICDPs" in Bhutan
- PA Programs Link to Dev. Goals
- Important background & considerations about ICDPs in Bhutan
- Criteria for selection and implementation of ICDP (Considering it as a National Program)
- Mode of Implementation
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Incentives and Disincentives
- How to ensure sustainability of ICDPs?
LECTURE 1 - Species and landscape approach to conservation
LECTURE 2 - Ecosystem approach to conservation
LECTURE 3 - Ex-situ and in-situ conservation: Protected areas and zoos
LECTURE 4 - Integrating conservation science and policy: ICDPs
Integrating conservation science and policy: ICDPs
Fall Semester, 2014 (CNR, Bhutan)
Integrated Conservation & Development
ICDPs, as names suggest, are development projects with the twin goal of biodiversity conservation and rural developments
ICDPs are also known as “People-Centered Conservation and Development”, “Eco-development”, “grassroots conservation”, community-based natural Resource management (CBNRM) and community wildlife Management (CWM)
ICDPs in Bhutan
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Important background & considerations about ICDPs in Bhutan
ICDP stereotyped to NCD, other agencies have been implementing
ICDPs under different programs such as CFs, NTFPs, CBNRM
CFs strategy and NTFP strategy recognize that they are part of the National ICDP Programs. Therefore, strategic location of these programs should be emphasized.
Developmental activities of national mandates such as roads, high tension transmission lines, resettlements, industrial areas, government structures, and others should have ICDP intervention for proper orientation and alignment
Base line data and realistic indicators should be established through participatory approaches with the communities and key stakeholders before the implementation of the ICDPs
Strict participatory monitoring and evaluation of the impact ICDP on conservation and livelihood should be conducted.
Criteria for selection and implementation of ICDP (Considering it as a National Program)
1) location -
a) Inside PA
i) First and foremost, zoning should be completed
ii) Communities and other key stakeholders (Territotial DFOs, DzFOs, RNR-RCs) should be involved in zoning exercise through participatory approaches
iii) ICDP should be focused only in multiple resource use zones in order to reduce pressure on core zone
2) outside PA
i) Buffer zone - Emphasis should be given to improve (e.g. Community plantations)and maintain buffer zones to reduce pressure on resources inside the park at the same time allowing communities to practice sustainable use of resources)
ii) Corridors - ICDPs should be emphasized whether there is a greater human impact on habitat connectivity particularly in human settlement areas (E.g. Settlements between TNP and RMNP)
iii) Territorial divisions - ICDPs should be focused in critical conservation areas (e.g. White Bellied heroin areas, black-necked crane areas)
iv) Leased conservation areas - ICDPs should be mandatory part of the lease agreement and the lease holder should be fully accountable for proper implementation (E.g. Phobjikha conservation area by RSPN)
2) Ecological - conservation issue and gravity of issue ICDP programs should be based on existing conservation issues and the gravity of issues in the park . Examples of issues could be biotic interferences such grazing, greater dependence on an endangered and limited resources (fir, cordyceps, star anise, Matshutake). Examples of the gravity of issues could be over harvesting, increasing human wildlife conflict, increasing forest fire, and increasing poaching)
3) Integration with local governance plan (GYT) Priority should be given to those areas where conservation issues have been reflected in local governance plan for addressing the issue
4) Social and economical i) First the villages have to fairly and transparently categorized based on social and economic status (NOTE - Group opines that to address equity is impossible but fairness can be achieved)
ii) Priority of ICDP implementation should be given to those socially and economically disadvantaged communities with the aim of alleviating rural poverty
5. Sustainability
i. ICDP activities should be sustainable in the long run (E.g. CFs)
ii. ICDP activities should provide alternative means of livelihood to those livelihoods that depend exclusively and heavily on natural resources (E.g. Ecotourism)
iii. ICDP activities should ensure sustainable use of resources through value addition and commercialization
A. Cost sharing (Economic contribution)
I. By individual households
1) Before the supply of materials, need assessment should be carried out
2) If the cost of the material support is more than Nu. 20,000 for individual registered households the following cost sharing criteria will apply:
a) distance from the road point
i) 70% support to those villages located within one dholam,
ii) 80% for those located within 3 dholams,
iii) 90% for those within 5 dholams, and
iv) 95% for those beyond 5 dholams)
b) economic status of the beneficiary (100% support to those poorest category of house based on annual income and land holdings jointly verified by community and implementi agency, irrespective of distance from the road point
II. Cost sharing by community
If the support is to the community, the implementing agency will bear the total materia cost while the labor cost will be borne by the community
B. Institutional Linkages
ICDP implementing agency will collaborate with all relevant stakeholder right from the Conception, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation phase.
Monitoring and evaluation should be a mandatory component ICDP program
ICDP implementers should develop proper formats and guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of ICDP programs and activities
The monitoring and evaluation should be done jointly by the key stakeholders and communities and develop database for future refinement and information sharing
- Quote paper
- Sonam Tobgay (Author), 2017, Development projects with the twin goal of biodiversity conservation and rural developments in Bhutan. Presentation about "Integrating conservation science and policy: ICDPs" (Unit 5 Lecture 4), Munich, GRIN Verlag,
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