NFC-Mobile-Payment describes contactless payment transactions using near-field-communication-technology. This payment technology is currently used in bank- and credit cards, as well as in mobile phones. This thesis focuses on NFC-Mobile-Payment using mobile phones. Aim of this work was, to identify the drivers of the customer adoption of NFC-Mobile-Payment in South Korea and compare them to previous findings from Austria and Taiwan. The drivers have been analyzed using the model of Pham and Ho that bases on the Technology-Acceptance Model (TAM). The countries have been compared to each other taking in account cultural, technological, and sociological differences and similarities. An empirical inquiry has been processed and data has been collected through an online survey. The found data was analyzed using the Maximum-Likelyhood-Method. In South Korea, the users’ trust in the involved companies and people, the absorptive capacity, the compatibility with the lifestyle and the tasks of the users the trialability, the personal innovativeness the attractiveness of available alternatives and the perceived usefulness were identified as influential drivers on the adoption of NFC-Mobile-Payment. The findings from South Korea differed significantly from those in the other two countries. Significant differences between Korea and the other two countries were found in all observed drivers except the users’ trust in the involved companies and people and the attractiveness of available alternatives. Another important finding is that in some aspects, the two Asian countries share more similarities with each other than both do with Austria, but in other aspects, Austria and Korea were found to be much closer to each other than each of them to Taiwan. Suggestions to executives of involved companies and institutions are provided in order to support enhancing the customer adoption of NFC-Mobile-Payment and other technological solutions with similar characteristics.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Relevance
- Research question
- Goals
- State of the art
- Methods used
- Empirical research
- Comparison of the countries
- Comparison of the data
- Structure
- Mobile Payment Systems
- Terminology/technical terms
- The use of NFC-Mobile-Payments from users viewpoint
- Development of Mobile Payments in South Korea
- T-Money
- Approaches by Korean mobile network operators, banks and credit-card issuers
- The Grand NFC Korea Alliance
- Apple, Google, Android, Samsung, LG
- Framework
- Initial point of Research
- Success Factors
- Product related factors and intention to adopt NFC-based mobile payments
- Personal related factors and intention to adopt NFC-based mobile payments
- Trust and intention to adopt NFC based mobile payments
- Attractiveness of alternatives and intention to adopt NFC-based mobile payments
- Hypotheses
- Empirical Part
- Research Method
- Measurements
- Data collection
- Execution annotations
- Data analysis
- Findings in South Korea
- Presentation of the identified impacting factors in South Korea
- Presentation of the findings in South Korea
- Interpretation of the findings in South Korea
- Comparison with previous findings in South Korea
- Comparison of the countries
- Economical facts
- Spending on R&D
- ICT value added
- Employment in the ICT sector
- Top ICT firms
- Business research and development expenditures
- Technical infrastructure
- Fibre connections
- ICT Development Index
- ICT-Opportunity Indices
- Businesses' broadband connectivity
- The Networked Readiness Index
- Consumer Facts
- Smartphone penetration
- Peoples interest measured by search requests
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This Master’s thesis examines the acceptance and success factors of Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payments in South Korea, drawing comparisons with Austria and Taiwan. The research aims to understand the drivers of NFC mobile payment adoption in different cultural and technological contexts. It seeks to identify the factors that influence user acceptance and assess the role of technical infrastructure and consumer behavior in shaping the success of these payment systems.
- Factors influencing user acceptance of NFC mobile payments
- Comparison of NFC mobile payment adoption in different countries
- Impact of cultural and technological factors on mobile payment adoption
- Role of trust and perceived security in driving adoption
- Importance of technical infrastructure in enabling NFC mobile payments
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The thesis begins with an introduction, outlining the research motivation, relevance, question, goals, state of the art, methods, and structure. Chapter 2 dives into the world of mobile payment systems, defining terminology, exploring user perspectives, and examining the development of mobile payments in South Korea. The framework for the research is presented in Chapter 3, outlining the success factors and hypotheses guiding the investigation. Chapter 4 details the empirical research methodology, including measurements, data collection, and analysis techniques.
Chapter 5 delves into the findings specific to South Korea, analyzing impacting factors, presenting results, and interpreting them in light of previous research. Chapter 6 compares the countries under investigation, examining economic facts, technical infrastructure, and consumer demographics. The thesis concludes with a discussion of the findings and their implications, highlighting the key insights derived from the research.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The research focuses on NFC mobile payments, user acceptance, success factors, cultural and technological factors, trust, perceived security, technical infrastructure, consumer behavior, and cross-country comparisons. The thesis employs a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods, including surveys and comparative analysis. It draws upon existing research and empirical data to provide a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of NFC mobile payment adoption in South Korea and its international context.
- Citation du texte
- Jakob Harb (Auteur), 2016, Acceptance and Success Factors for NFC-Mobile-Payment in South Korea. In comparison to Austria and Taiwan, Munich, GRIN Verlag,