This research report analyze the public interest and tension/latent hostility between privacy and cyber security in Pakistan. It explores the challenges that Cyber security holds for privacy and data protection.
Non Internet
7,432,663,275 4,007,692,038
7,349,472,099 4,163,475,944
7,265,785,946 4,309,400,377
7,181,715,139 4,453,287,032
7,097,500,453 4,602,764,205
7,013,427,052 4,781,469,693
6,929,725,043 4,906,522,069
The internet users in the whole world are increasing day by
day and we are connecting the devices to the internet, the
purpose to use our devices from anywhere of the world.
The first spam email brought in 1978, when it was transmitted
to the ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency
Network). The UK police caught the student as he hacked FBI
email in 2005 and some documents of NATO are hacked
in Afghanistan and "Mafia Boy" attacks on DOS (Daniel of
Services).In 2000 Swedish NORDEA bank victim and about
$100000 was stolen.
There are 50 countries who introduced their strategies for
cyberspace and for cyber security. The most vital
infrastructure about protection towards the cyber security,
there are 25 countries who introduced and show the policies of
cyber security, United States of America, Algeria, United
Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland, Brazil, Sweden, Canada,
Spain, Estonia, Singapore, Finland, Russia, France, Poland,
Germany, New Zealand, Hungary, Norway, India,
Netherlands, Italy, Malaysia, Japan.
The cyber security and the probability appraisal cyber security
threats to the Distributed control system (DCS), supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) networks and Industrial
Control Systems (ICS) introducing organizational and
Government groups
CSP (Cyber Secure Pakistan)
2. NUST (National University of Sciences &
3. CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams)
4. EAS (Enterprise Application Systems)
5. EMS (Energy Management Systems)
6. ISO/IEC 17799 (Information Security Management)
7. PCSRF (Process Control Securities Requirements
8. SPP-ICS (System Protection Profile for Industrial
Control Systems)
9. ISA-TR99.00.01-2004 (Security Technologies of
Manufacturing and Control Systems)
10. NIAC (The National Infrastructure Advisory Council)
11. NCS (The National Communication System)
12. NCSD (National Cyber Security Division)
13. CSSP (Control Systems Security Program)
14. ISA (Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation
15. NIST (National Institute for Science and Technology)
16. NERC (The North American Electrical Reliability
17. US CERT (The United States Computer Emergency
Readiness Team's)
18. ISACs (Information Sharing and Analysis Centers)
19. CND (The Computer Network Defense)
20. CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
21. CERT/CC (Coordination Center)
22. NIST (National Institute for Standards and
23. IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
24. CIC (Created by the Cyber Innovating Center)
25. NICERC (The National Integrated Cyber Educating
Research Center)
Cavelty in 2010 prepared annotations about the triune or
multiple interlacing preaching about the domain or field of
cyber security. Cyber is affix predicating the cyber space and
pertains to the ECN (Electronic Communication Networks)
virtual realism by oxford in 2014. Cyberspace destined and
contrived as an IE (Information Environment) by Friedman in
2013. The present-day cyber security standard is FIRST the
Forum of Incident Response Security Teams and IEEE
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and NIST
National Institute of Standers and Technology and the ICANN
The internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
HAIMS and CHITTESTER works result that to reduce the
effects of cyber-attacks. HONEY POTS amuse the attacker
from attaining the vital system information. CORDESMAN
works on cyber threats. KLIMBURG works on cybercrime.
MCHUGH examining the dealings of treble speed of networks.
KING ET, he inquire about the cyber threats. LOPEZ suggest
the security services about smart grid. WHITMAN and
MATTORD works on information protection. MARTIN and
RICE their works about cyber domineering. MILLER trying
to secure the system. NELSON and NASH trying amending to
control system. NISSENBAUM improving the cyber security
schemes. ANSS describe and handle cyber-attacks.
DHILLON who introduced the idea of data security.
ERIKSSON who stops penetration of information.
ARQUILLA introduced the transmutation of war into cyber
war. CLARKE give the concept of cyber warfare.
Pakistan, now starts working about cyber security because
Pakistan facing two wars one about terrorism and second to
protect, secure and protect their people privacy, data and
information from accessing outside the country intelligence
agencies and the most enemy threat facing Pakistan from
India one from India interfering Karachi and Baluchistan
matters to split the Pakistan and second accessing the digital
data from American and India and others countries
intelligence agencies. For that purpose Pakistan increases his
security policy and starting awareness to the people through
the seminars and through universities.
1. PIPS (Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services)
2. PISA ( Pakistan Information Security Association)
3. NSA (National Security Agency)
4. Senator Mushahid Hussain particularly elaborate the
cyber security threats.
5. PKCERT (National Emergency Team)
6. NAP consist the cyber security
7. Cyber security taskforce
8. According to SAARC Pakistan should have to be
initiate the steps against cyber security
NSA gives report to Pakistan about the security gaps in
Pakistan and digital data may stole from the terrorists and use
for the terrorism activity. On the behalf of the NSA report
Pakistan senate defense committee and PIPS AND PISA take
charge on the consequence of opposing Pakistan through
cyber security on July8, 2013.Now that time, Pakistan first
time take stand to oppose the cyber threats belong to Pakistan.
Pakistan information security association hire the experts from
NUST, LUMS, RIPHA University and the internet providers.
The defense committee organized the seminar in which
parliamentarian are invited for awareness and introduced the
seven points of the plan related to the cyber security and
threats by committee chairman M.Hussain Sayed
1. M\O defence
2. HEC
6. Ministries law
7. Ministries interior
8. Foreign affairs
9. FIA
10. NAB
The action of using computers and networks as an instrument
for the interest of illegal criminal activity. Cyber-crime in
tensest threats are knocking the doors of Pakistan but
regrettably grapevine Pakistan laws are calm and waiting for
execution. ICT seventh exposition and admitted CONNECT
exhibition Karachi and reported approximate 200 cases of
hacking and blackmailing in 2012. Pakistan facing the
following crimes
1. Physical detrimental a computer system
2. Fiscal crimes
3. Logic dud
4. Cyber smut
5. Virus and worms assail
6. Email burlesquing
7. DSN
8. Cyber calumniation
9. Salami assail
10. Cyber haunting
11. Information diddling
12. Unsanctioned accession to computer systems and
13. Online hazarding
14. Password smashing
15. Blackmailing for stealing electronic information
The situation of cybercrime in Pakistan is very dangerous
but still there is no strict laws. In 2011 approximate 25
instances will occurs and registered with concerning to
cybercrime. Facebook profile and account information
stealing through hacking as the intention of blackmailing for
some benefits and unreal Facebook accounts of girls is used to
necessitate for retaliation because from the girls side family
had refused the marriage offering, but still there is no cyber
laws in Pakistan.
In 2015 Pakistan originate steps to secure Pakistan from the
cybercrime and threats of cyber security related issues with
the team or organization of PSA and Ultra Spectra (pvt).
April8, 2015 the conference asserted organized coordinated
with the coaction of NUST-SEECS and more than fifty fence-
sitters means stakeholders on call and this conference become
leading Asian consequence for all fence-sitters admitting
Government, data protection professed means professionals,
data security enterprisers, telecommunication sector security
steering plus administrators, trusting sector and information
technology sector to contribution perceptivity into the most
recent demonstrated creations and concepts. The schedule
discussion for cyber security of Pakistan is to search as
entirely the interior or internal and extraneous or international
community of interests admitting ICANN, APNIC, Internet
social club, Google, territorial CERTs, world-wide
investigators on the issue to arrive and contribution of their
undergoes as substantially. The canonic intention and
causative posterior this conference is too conscious the people
of Pakistan about the cybercrime and cyber terrorism, for that
purpose cyber invulnerable Pakistan comprising a chain of
building training, workplaces, cognizance sittings, contenders,
keynote oratory, panel conversation, security discussion by
illustrious internal and external industry professionals.
Proficient awareness sittings and holding the succeeding
training sittings, CHFI (Computer Hacking Forensic
Investigation), mobile diligence incursion testing, contrary
engineering malevolent program, Linux origin instruments
workplace by Pakistan, system protection workplace through
ICANN and APNIC. LEA workplace in Pakistan, kid security
through the internet society.
Cyber-crime arises quickly in Pakistan. Concording to the
cyber-crime wing (CCU), furcate of FIA Federal Investigation
Agency, exclusively events and exclusively are notifiable and
reported in the unit, in 2007 cyber-crime related events
reported to CCU is 62 and in 2008 the events rapidly increases
to 287 and after passing laws from the parliament of Pakistan
the ration of cyber-crimes were deteriorated from 2009 117
events and 2010 and half exclusively 73. Later on the ratio
increases again and rapidly from the previous and
antecedently ration of events that is 2011 to 2012 is 411
events , 2013 is 290,2014 320 with tiny blackmailing,2015 is
about 345, in the start of 2016 there were 89 till march events
are reported to FIA.
Edward Snowden a brave man scrupulous to disclose, reveal
and fetched out how the USAs NSA National Security
Agency spotting on majority countries in the world. Such
spotting evidently constituted by USAs political, economic
and combatant or military international vantage. The fifth
nearly and most spotted on country is India, straight a lot than
Russia and China. Conceiving the India is the USAs
momentous collaborator, spotting on the India that is infract of
trust for USA, therefor USA spotting all the countries except
India. Iran in the crowning list 14 billion sets up of the USA
intelligence and administrative unit, the second number of
Pakistan is came approximate 13.5 billion, the third number of
the Jordan is about 12.7 billion, in fourth position Egypt
comes estimated figure is 7.6 billion and the fifth number
come of the be loving country of USAs India approximate is
6.3 billion.
Cyber-crime as well intromit directing viruses on distinct
systems, sending calumniation contents. Pakistan committee
of the cyber-crime is following features can be
1. Computer territory direct approaches attacking to
the others computer systems
2. Computer districted used as a tool to confide
imposter and the banned hazarding or gaming
3. Computer are used as a supportive for storage
felonious and purloining of data or information.
Cyber laws or the inferior conversationally and national laws
of Pakistan is a consideration that capsulate the effectual
consequences associated to the manipulation and the use of
communicatory, relations and the disseminative expressions
of electronic network entropy gimmicks or devices and
engineering's. The following Pakistan cyber laws for
1. ETA The Electronic Transaction Act (1996).
2. ETO The Electronic Transaction Ordinance (2002)
3. PACCA Perspective analysis of Cyber-crime act
4. EFTA The Electronic Funds Transfer Act (2007)
5. PECOP The Prevention of Electronic Crime
Ordinance Pakistan (2007)
6. PECOA Prevention of Electronic Crime Ordinance
Act (2008)
7. PCCCOA Prevention and Control Cyber Crime
Ordinance act (2009)
8. FTOA The Fair and Trial Ordinance Act (2012)
9. PECOA Prevention of E Crimes ordinance Act (2013)
10. PPOA Protection of Pakistan Ordinance Act (2014)
11. EDPCCOA The Electronic Documents and
Prevention of Cyber Crime Ordinance Act (2014)
12. PECOA Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance
Act (2015)
13. AECOA Amendment Electronic Crimes Ordinance
Act (2016)
There are five primary points of 2016 cyber-crime act is
the following
First, it is a crime or illegal activity to transmit
or send a messages or pictures to any persons e-
mail address.
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- Qamar Atta Ul Haq (Author), 2016, Cyber security, crime and warfare in Pakistan, Munich, GRIN Verlag,