Application of ARMA and GARCH models to the daily gold and silver exchange prices in US dollar

Trabajo de Seminario, 2016

33 Páginas, Calificación: 1,7


Table of content

List of illustrations




3.1. Properties of an ARMA model
3.2. Properties of a GARCH model

4.Data Analysis

5.Examining gold close data
5.1. Gold log - returns
5.2. ACF and PACF of the gold log-returns
5.3. Applying ARMA-models on gold log-returns
5.4. Testing the residuals of the gold log – returns
5.5. Normality assumption of the residuals of the gold log - returns
5.6. Heteroscedasticity of the gold log - returns
5.7. Using GARCH to model the time series of the gold log - returns
5.8. Testing for skewed t-distribution of the residuals in a GARCH - model

6.Examining the silver close data
6.1. Silver log-returns & ACF/PACF of the silver return data
6.2. Testing ARMA models on the silver log-returns
6.3. Independence assumption of the residuals of the silver log-return data
6.4. Normality assumption of the residuals of the silver log-return data
6.5. Heteroscedasticity of the residuals of the silver log-return data
6.6. Examining GARCH - models on the silver log-return data
6.7. Testing skewed t-distribution and independence assumption of residuals of the silver log – return data

7. Forecasting gold and silver returns

8. Drawbacks of the research

9. Conclusion

10. References

Appendix 1: Testing of models - AR (1); MA (1); ARMA (1,1) for gold log-returns

Appendix 2: Overfitting approach with MA (2); MA (3) for gold log-returns

Appendix 3: Testing of models - AR (1); MA (1); ARMA (1,1) for silver log-returns

Appendix 4: Overfitting approach with MA (2); MA (3) for gold log-returns

Appendix 5: fitted GARCH(1,1)-model skewed t-distributed with mean for silver returns

Appendix 6: Attempt of forecasting the gold and silver returns

Appendix 7: R codes used to examine the gold return data

Appendix 8: R codes used to examine the gold return data

Final del extracto de 33 páginas


Application of ARMA and GARCH models to the daily gold and silver exchange prices in US dollar
European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)  (Lehrstuhl Statistik)
WS 2015/2016
No. de catálogo
ISBN (Ebook)
ISBN (Libro)
Tamaño de fichero
2044 KB
Palabras clave
gold, silver, prices, ARMA, GARCH, Bollerslev, Box, Jenkins, 2001, 2015, dollar, R statistics, time series, data, testing
Citar trabajo
Van Anh Hoang (Autor), 2016, Application of ARMA and GARCH models to the daily gold and silver exchange prices in US dollar, Múnich, GRIN Verlag,


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