Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält die Präsentationsfolien und den Referatstext sowie Diskussionsfragen zum Thema "Der Dritte Weg"
This paper contains the presentations slides, the presentation text and questions to be discussed regarding the "Third Way".
Aus dem Inhalt: / Contents:
1. Positive Welfare (Anthony Giddens)
2. The Schröder-Blair-Paper
3. Criticism (Barkan, Butterwegge)
4. Discussion
1. Positive Welfare (Anthony Giddens)
2. TheSchröder-Blair-Paper
3. Criticism (Barkan, Butterwegge)
4. Discussion
1. Positive Welfare Anthony Giddens
- advisor of Tony Blair
- author of „The Third Way"
Positive Welfare
- the state must provide a basic income
- state supports self-responsibility
- increasing benefits can cause moral hazard changed social habits
Asocial investment state instead of welfare state
2. The Schröder-Blair-Paper
- modernization of Social Democrats led to political success
- market economy but not a market society
Learning from Experience
- social justice * equality of outcome
- helping people to help themselves is more important than public spending
-> the weaknesses of markets have been overstated and their strengths underestimated
The Schröder-Blair-Paper
New Programs for Changed Realities
- useless of left-right thinking
- ideology = preconceptions which prevent pragmatic solutions
- investments in human capital
- jobs are limited in time -> more flexibility necessary
- cutbacks and reformations in the public sector
- end of the conflict between capital and labour
A New Supply-Side Agenda for the Left
- creation of jobs -> guarantee of a cohesive society -
liberalization of world trade
- taxcuts for companies
- welfare-to-work programs
- reduction of non-wage labour costs
- flexibilisation of products, capital and labour markets
- lifelong education
- support of medium-sized enterprises
An Active Labour Market Policy for the Left
- transformation of the safety net of entitlements into a springboard to personal responsibility
- modernization of the health care and pension system - qualifications for the unemployed
- part-time and low-paid work
- establishment of a low-wage sector
3. Criticism (Barkan, Butterwegge)
- left-right-thinking makes sense
- (some) equality of outcome is implied by social justice
- lots of empty phrases / missing characterizations
- jobs might be limited
- no words about people'yights
- compulsion to work
- not clear how the conception will be financed
- destroys the solidarity between the working and the unemployed
- some members of society aren'table to help themselves
- unequal treatment of capital and labour
- Citar trabajo
- Anónimo,, 2011, The "Third Way". Positive Welfare, the Schröder-Blair-Paper and Criticism of the Concept, Múnich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/315182
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