This book is a support and elaboration of the actual experience and experimentation of the course facilitator in Organizational Behavior at postgraduate level. Concrete, specific details and relevant information about creative pedagogy techniques are embodied in this book for purposes of constructing conspicuous images on how the innovative teaching-learning techniques be employed for the learners to be responsibly free in engaging themselves in a conducive academic environment.
Innovative teaching-learning through creative pedagogy is a lasting and pervasive tool of educators that involves the whole person of the educators’ and the learners’ feelings, potentials and intellect.
Creative pedagogy is effective when the learners experience greater self-direction and greater freedom to communicate in the academic environment.
Experience in real teaching- learning goes along with commitment and conviction to take that wholesome adventure, motivating and non threatening creative pedagogy journey. This book then assures the readers of the pledge of the authors to disseminate a convincing evidence based body of information that teaching-learning at postgraduate level is not just giving lip service nor a come and go exercise and neither a punitive action or a set of stereotyped pattern but rather a great chance of a lifetime for the learners to be responsibly free in engaging themselves in creative pedagogy techniques as instruments of inspiration.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to innovative teaching-learning practices at the postgraduate level. It draws upon the authors' practical experience and experimentation to offer a creative pedagogy package designed to enhance the learning environment for academicians and postgraduate students.
- Exploring innovative teaching-learning approaches for postgraduate education
- Developing a creative pedagogy package based on actual experience and experimentation
- Enhancing the learning environment for academicians and postgraduate students
- Promoting a more engaging and fruitful learning experience
- Addressing challenges in creating meaningful teaching-learning environments
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
This book is divided into two main sections: Dedication and Acknowledgements. The Dedication section emphasizes the book's purpose to improve the learning environment for both academics and postgraduate students. The Acknowledgements section expresses gratitude to individuals and institutions who have contributed to the book's development.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Innovative teaching-learning, postgraduate education, creative pedagogy, learning environment, academicians, postgraduate students, experience, experimentation.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Novembrieta Sumil (Autor:in), Manuel Sumil (Autor:in), 2015, Innovative Teaching. Learning at Postgraduate Level, München, GRIN Verlag,
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