Globalisation has meant that the offerings of many destinations are increasingly homogenous.
Branding provides a way of creating a unique identity through relationship building and emotional appeal, rather than differentiation on the basis of functional qualities.
While destination branding draws on principals from product marketing there are some important differences.
This is a more obvious requirement in some sectors, such as tourism, where countries develop hospitality industries and infrastructure such as convenient airport facilities. However, such marketing concepts increasingly apply to countries as a whole.
Nearly all successful communities can quickly identify their “brand.” They draw on their comparative advantages to find ways of encouraging growth by attracting the people, businesses, education service and investment they need.
(Hulsbosch, 2011)
Hulsbosch (2011) suggests acting and thinking globally as one of his destination branding tips, advising that brand identity and all related promotional activities must appeal across cultural groups.
Cultural tourism gives visitors the opportunity to understand and appreciate the essential character of a place and its culture as a whole, including:
• History
• People and their lifestyle
• Cultural diversity
• Arts and architecture
• Food, wine and other local produce
(Foo & Rossetto, 1998, p.63)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte
This text explores the concept of cultural tourism and its application in the context of Hamilton Island, a successful example of a cultural enterprise. The text examines the key features of cultural tourism, its attractions, and the role of innovation in creating a unique and successful destination.
- Cultural Tourism and its Distinguishing Features
- The Role of Innovation in Cultural Enterprises
- Hamilton Island as a Case Study of Cultural Tourism
- The Impact of Audi Hamilton Island Race Week on the Island's Branding
- The Importance of Sustainability and Authenticity in Cultural Tourism
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel
The preface introduces the concept of cultural tourism and its importance in a globalized world. It highlights the need for destinations to create unique identities through branding and emotional appeal.
The chapter on "Distinguishing Features of Cultural Tourism" defines cultural tourism as an experience that allows visitors to understand and appreciate the essential character of a place and its culture. It emphasizes the importance of authenticity, sustainability, and visitor engagement in cultural tourism.
The chapter on "Cultural Tourism Attractions" outlines the criteria that make a cultural product attractive to tourists, including perceived quality, market awareness, customer service, sustainability, uniqueness, and the ability to provide a pleasurable experience. It also highlights the importance of community support and management commitment.
The chapter on "Hamilton Island" focuses on the island's development as a successful cultural enterprise. It highlights the role of entrepreneurship, the Oatley family's vision, and the island's unique offerings, including its sailing tradition, luxury accommodations, and the Audi Hamilton Island Race Week.
The keywords and focus themes of the text include cultural tourism, destination branding, innovation, entrepreneurship, Hamilton Island, Audi Hamilton Island Race Week, sustainability, authenticity, and visitor experience.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Nick Birch (Autor:in), 2015, Hamilton Island. The Innovative Cultural Enterprise, München, GRIN Verlag,
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