In this study, the utilization of waste coffee residue for biodiesel production, its solid byproduct after oil extraction for bioethanol production, as well as the second byproduct after bioethanol production for solid fuel and compost production was investigated. For the study, waste coffee residue sample was collected from TOMOCA PLC, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The oil was then extracted using n-hexane and resulted in oil yield of 19.73 %w/w. The biodiesel was obtained by a two-step process, i.e. acid catalyzed esterification followed by base catalyzed transesterification using catalysts sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide respectively. The conversion, after esterification of waste coffee residue oil in to biodiesel, was about 80.4%. Various parameters that are essential for biodiesel quality were evaluated using the American Standard for Testing Material (ASTM D 6751- 09). The results obtained for kinematic viscosity (5.3 mm²/s), carbon residue (0.033%), flash point (222°C), ash content (0.0123%), water and sediment (<0.01%), iodine value (73.41 gI2/100g), acid value (0.78), copper striping corrosion (1a) and calorific value (38.4 MJ/kg) revealed that all quality parameters are within the range specified except for acid value. The fatty acid composition of the biodiesel was also analyzed by Gas chromatography and the major fatty acids found were linoleic acid (39.8%), palmitic acid (37.6%), oleic (12.7%), and stearic acid (7.6%). In addition, the solid waste remaining after oil extraction was investigated for possible use as a feedstock for the production of bioethanol. Hydrolysis of the spent was carried out using dilute sulfuric acid followed by fermentation using S. cereviciae, and resulted in bioethanol yield of 8.3 %v/v. Furthermore, the solid waste remaining after bioethanol production was evaluated for compost and solid fuel applications. The result indicated that the processed coffee residues could still be used as compost (21.9:1 C/N) and solid fuel (20.8 MJ/Kg). Therefore, the results of this work may suggest a new insight to production of biofuel from waste materials.
Keywords: Waste coffee residue, Biodiesel, spent of WCR, Saccharomyces cereviciae, Bioethanol, solid fuel, compost
- Contents
- Table of Contents
- List ofTab1es
- List of Figures.
- List of equations.
- List of Appendices
- Backgroundandjustification
- Problem Of the statement
- Objectives
- General
- Specific
- Significance ofthe
- Overview ofEthiopia's Energy Sector.
- Introduction to biodiesel
- Biodiesel production
- The Transesterification (alcoholysis) Process of Biodiesel
- .Catalytic transesterification
- Base-Catalyzed transesterification
- Acid-Catalyzed Transesterification
- VariablesAffectingtheTransesterification
- Effect of free fatty acids (FFA) and moisture.
- Effect of Alcohol/oil Molar Ratio and Alcohol Type
- Type and Amount of Catalyst
- ReactionTimeand
- Parameters which definethefuel
- Density (15 oc)
- Viscosity (40 "C)
- Gross calorific
- Cloud point (CP)
- Cetane
- Iodine Value (IV)
- Flash point....
- Water and sediment...
- Carbon Residue
- Sulfated ash ........2()
- Acid value — 21
- CoffeeproductionandWastecoffeeresidues
- Coffeeproduction in Ethiopia..........................................................................................21
- WasteCoffee Residues (WCRs)
- Chemicalcomposition of
- Advantages and Disadvantages Of Biodiesel.
- Materials and
- Experimental
- Wastecoffee residue (WCR) Moisture content Determination
- Wastecoffee residue (WCR) oil extraction
- Physicochemical parameters ofWCRs Oil
- Determination of Saponification Value ..................................................................29
- Determination ofPeroxide value — 29
- Two-Step BiodieselProductionProcess
- Acid-catalyzed esterification —
- Base-catalyzed transesterification..„..
- 31
- Biodiesel yield..
- Characterization ofWCR
- Determination of specific gravity/density
- Determination ofKinematic Viscosity (40 00.......................................................33
- Determination of Acid
- Determination ofGross 35
- Determination of Cloud point(ASTM D 2500) 35
- Determination ofWater and sediment
- Determination ofCetane 37
- Determination of Iodine Value
- Determination of flash point by Pensky-Martens closed cup tester .
- Determination ofconradson 39
- Determination of Ash 40
- Determination ofCopper strip corrosion
- Determinationofdistillation 41
- Fatty acid composition ofWCR methyl ester.
- Production of Bioethanol from the solid waste remaining after oil extraction of WCR
- Determination ofthe quality of the solid residue after Bioethanol production for compost and solid fuel...„...
- Calorific value...... 44
- Proximate analysis 44
- Oilcontentofwaste coffeeresidue
- Physicochemical characteristicsoftheextracted WCR oil — 46
- Biodiesel yield of WCR Oil..
- WasteCoffee Residuemethylester Fuel
- Density (15 "C) 50
- Kinematic viscosity (40 oc)
- . Gross calorific
- Cloud pomt
- Acid value (AV)
- Cetane number..... — — — — — — . — . — — — — .
- Iodine Value 54
- Water and sediment..........................................................................................................55
- Distillation Temperature
- Ash 56
- The Conradson Carbon residue ofwaste coffee residue ester
- Flash 57
- Copper 58
- Fatty acid composition Of WCR Biodiesel .
- Bioethanol yield from solid waste remaining after oil extraction of WCR (Spent of WCR) ....„59
- Solid fuel and compost from the WCR after Bioethanol production.. „ .... 60
- Solid waste remaining after Bioethanol production for solid fuel — .............................61
- Solid waste remaining after Bioethanol production for compost 62
- Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................63
- 65
- 81
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Untersuchung von Kaffeeresten als potenzielles Ausgangsmaterial für die Produktion von Biodiesel. Die Studie zielt darauf ab, die Ölgewinnung aus Kaffeeresten zu optimieren, die physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften des gewonnenen Öls zu analysieren und die Umwandlung des Öls in Biodiesel zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus wird die Verwertung der nach der Ölgewinnung verbleibenden festen Abfallstoffe für die Produktion von Bioethanol, Brennstoffen und Kompost untersucht.
- Ölgewinnung aus Kaffeeresten
- Physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften des gewonnenen Öls
- Biodieselproduktion aus Kaffeeresten
- Verwertung der festen Abfallstoffe nach der Ölgewinnung
- Bioethanolproduktion aus Kaffeeresten
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel
Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer Einleitung, die den Hintergrund und die Bedeutung der Studie erläutert. Im zweiten Kapitel wird ein Literaturüberblick über die Energieversorgung in Äthiopien, die Produktion von Biodiesel, die Eigenschaften von Biodiesel und die Verwendung von Kaffeeresten gegeben. Das dritte Kapitel beschreibt die Materialien und Methoden, die für die Studie verwendet wurden, einschließlich der Ölgewinnung, der Charakterisierung des Öls, der Biodieselproduktion, der Analyse der Biodiesel-Eigenschaften und der Verwertung der Abfallstoffe. Im vierten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse der Studie präsentiert und diskutiert. Schließlich werden im fünften Kapitel die Schlussfolgerungen der Studie gezogen und Empfehlungen für zukünftige Forschung gegeben.
Die Schlüsselwörter und Schwerpunktthemen des Textes umfassen die Biokraftstoffproduktion, die Verwendung von Kaffeeresten als Rohstoff, die Biodieselproduktion, die Bioethanolproduktion, die Brennstoffproduktion und die Kompostierung. Die Studie untersucht die Umwandlung von Kaffeeresten in wertvolle Produkte, um die Abhängigkeit von fossilen Brennstoffen zu reduzieren und die Umweltbelastung zu verringern.
- Quote paper
- Mebrahtu Haile (Author), 2014, Biofuels. Sequential volarization of waste coffee grounds to Biodiesel, Bioethanol, and solid fuel, Munich, GRIN Verlag,
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