Executive Summary:
The project is about a software development for active load and source pull measurements. The measurement technique for vector network analyzers, firstly presented at the European Microwave conference in 2002 in Milan, Italy, allows to do fundamental device characterization of transistors and amplifiers in a non 50 ohm environment without the need for passive impedance tuners by simply utilizing two independent sources of a vector network analyzer. Up to now, only hybrid systems, combinations of active and passive impedance tun-ers, are realized to perform such measurements. The aim of the project is to develop a purely active system with known limitations in terms of power firstly and with the goal to gain knowledge and inputs for further developments sec-ondly.
The considerations of this paper are dealing with expected forecast numbers for the software option and additionally sold vector network analyzer hardware in order to calculate the cash flow and the net present value of the project. Additionally the costs of goods sold plus maintenance and service costs are considered. For the expected project time, 5 years plus 6 month of development, the project related income statement is given together with a balance sheet.
The conclusion of the development proposal is to accept the project due to a positive net present value and mainly due to the strategic importance for further vector network analyzer developments and an increased company reputation in the market.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Project definition
2. Assumptions
3. Sales forecast
4. Operational cash flow and NPV calculation
4.1. FSLP option only
4.2. FSLP option and supplementary VNA Hardware
5. Conclusion
- Arbeit zitieren
- Dipl. Ing. MBA Matthias Beer (Autor:in), 2011, Financial Management. Active Incention project for VNA, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/233250
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