The number of Western expatriates in China is growing; however, the rate of expatriate failure remains very high. Many multinational enterprises are now providing their expatriates with cross-cultural training (CCT), which many studies suggest is an effective way to improve expatriates’ intercultural competence and their work performance overseas.
This study attempts to develop an optimal methodology for CCT in China, based on review of the literature and empirical data of five semi-structured interviews. A seven-step model is developed, and each step is examined for its effectiveness and applicability in a Chinese context. Ultimately, the final model is presented in the Research Summary, and its implications are discussed in detail.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Western expatriates in the Chinese market
- 1.2 Research question and approach
- 2 Clarification of basic terms and concepts
- 2.1 Definition of expatriate and expatriate adjustment
- 2.2 Definition of culture and intercultural competence
- 2.3 Definition of training and cross-cultural training
- 2.4 Effectiveness of cross-cultural training
- 3 Methodology of cross-cultural training for China
- 3.1 Seven-step cross-cultural training methodology model
- 3.2 Seven-step CCT methodology model applied in Chinese-specific context
- 4 Opinions on CCT in Chinese corporate context
- 4.1 Methodology
- 4.2 Findings and discussion
- 4.2.1 Interview theme 1. CCT general effectiveness
- 4.2.2 Interview theme 2. CCT methodology
- 4.2.3 Interview theme 3. China-specific CCT content
- 4.3 Practical implications
- 5 Conclusions
- 5.1 Research summary
- 5.2 Research limitations and further research
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study aims to develop an effective methodology for cross-cultural training (CCT) in the Chinese corporate context. The author focuses on identifying the specific challenges faced by Western expatriates in China and examines the potential of CCT in mitigating these challenges and improving expatriate adjustment.
- The effectiveness of CCT in improving expatriate intercultural competence and work performance
- The development of a seven-step CCT methodology model
- The application of the CCT methodology model in a Chinese-specific context
- The impact of CCT on expatriate failure rates in China
- The role of cultural dimensions and communication styles in CCT effectiveness
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the study, highlighting the growing number of Western expatriates in China and the high rate of expatriate failure. It also outlines the research question and approach. Chapter 2 defines key terms and concepts, including expatriate, expatriate adjustment, culture, intercultural competence, training, and cross-cultural training. Chapter 3 presents a seven-step CCT methodology model and examines its applicability in a Chinese context. Chapter 4 presents findings from semi-structured interviews with expatriates and Chinese nationals, exploring their perspectives on the effectiveness of CCT in China.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This study focuses on the effectiveness of cross-cultural training in the Chinese corporate context, exploring key terms like expatriate adjustment, intercultural competence, cultural dimensions, communication styles, and the development of a specific methodology for CCT in China.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Diana Rees (Autor:in), 2012, Effectiveness of Cross-Cultural Training Methodology in Chinese Corporate Context, München, GRIN Verlag,