Every since the creation of welfare states in the US and Western Europe there has been enumerable debates as to what extent the existence of such welfare states undermines individual freedom. These debates raise such questions as how should we define freedom? To what extent is freedom compatible with attempts made by the state to promote the welfare of its citizens? Does liberty reside in independence from state interference? Does the provision of welfare impose constraints on individual liberty? However this text goes further and questions whether morality should be taken into account when deciding who should receive state welfare? And whether state interference goes against human nature?
Chapter 1.0 Theoretical Underpinnings of the welfare state
Chapter 1.1 How do we define Freedom?
Chapter 1.2 Liberalism, the Individual and the state
Chapter 1.3 From Poor Laws to Welfare State
Chapter 2.0 Welfare Dependency: Encouraging Idleness
Chapter 2.1 The Underclass
Chapter 2.2 ‘NHS Dependency’
Chapter 2.3 The NHS as a ‘Sacred Cow’
Chapter 3.0 The Welfare State, Morality and Human Nature
Chapter 3.1 The Welfare State and Morality
Chapter 3.2 The Welfare State and Human Nature
Chapter 3.3 The Welfare State and the Church
- Citation du texte
- Robert Sefton (Auteur), 2012, The Welfare State, Individual Freedom and Morality, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/195284
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