This study sought to establish the impact of school feeding programme on pupil’s retention in primary schools in Garissa District, Kenya. The study gathered both quantitative and qualitative data about impact of the lunch programme in schools. The data was collected from the four divisions in the district from a sample of 200 pupils and 10 head teachers.
The study used descriptive survey. It also used four research questions to answer the objectives. The first research question sought to get information on impact of lunch programme. The second one established enrolment rates while the third research question established retention rates and the fourth one helped to gather data on completion rate and the last one on the role of education stake holders on enrolment retention, completion of pupils in Primary Schools.
The data analysis was done by use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) programme. The results were generated and presented in form of percentages, frequencies and means.
1.0 Background to the Study
1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Obj ectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Limitations of the Study
1.7 Delimitations of the study
1.9 Definition of significant Terms
1.10 Organization of the Study
2.0 Introduction
2.1. International call for provision of education for all
2.2. Education among the Nomadic Pastoralists and its challenges
2.3 Food Security in North Eastern Province
2.4 The School Feeding programme in Kenya
2.5 GenderDisparity
2.6. Other Factors affecting Enrolment and retention of pupils in schools
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Research Design
3.2. Area of Study
3.3. Target Population
3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Techniques
3.5. Research Instruments
3.6. Instruments Validity and reliability
3.7 Data Collection Procedure
3.8. Data Analysis Techniques
Appendix A- Questionnaire for the Headteachers in the Primary Schools
Appendix B- Questionnaire for the Pupils
- Arbeit zitieren
- Thomas Muema (Autor:in), Reuben Mutegi (Autor:in), 2011, The impact of school feeding programmes on pupil retention in primary schools in Kenya, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/187138
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