In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a bill that opened up opportunities for nonwhite
immigrants, especially Asians, who have traditionally been hindered from entering
America. As a result of the U.S. Immigration Act that has dramatically changed the
method by which immigrants are admitted to the United States also David Ho and his
family came to this country. Since then, in many ways Asian Americans have done
remarkably well in achieving “the American dream” of getting a good education, a well
paid job and living a desirable lifestyle and therefore they have been celebrated as
America’s “model minority”. By the 1990s this topic had become so widely accepted that
even researchers, searching for an underlying scientific explanation, began treating Asian
Americans success as an empirical phenomenon.
Table of Contents
1. The Life of Chinese Americans today
2. Forming a “model minority”
3. A brief socio-economic Study
4. Cultural Identity, educational background and the role of race
5. Problems for young Chinese Americans today
6. Summary and Conclusions
7. List of literature
8. Appendix
- Quote paper
- Markus Matthes (Author), 2007, Chinese Americans – A “model minority”?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,