Vladimir Nabokov once stated that he considered all literature as fiction, thus regarding fiction and reality as two separate spheres.1 He is right with this assumption when it comes to regard a piece of literature as art and not as a reflection of its author’s life, however, somehow every author leaves his fingerprints on his or her work. It is therefore very interesting to closely watch the various resemblances between Vladimir Nabokov and his novel's characters. Actually, Nabokov employs his own life as a source for his stories, for example is his passion for chess reflected in The Defense, as his love of butterflies results in their pervasive occurence in his books.
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- Anonym,, 2009, The motive of Exile: Liabilities and possibilities in Vladimir Nabokovs "Pale Fire", München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/171644