Bilingualism: A Key to Success in the U.S.A

Essai, 2010

4 Pages, Note: .92

Résumé ou Introduction

Bilingualism: A Key to Success in the U.S.A
As I’m writing this article I’m slowly typing my thoughts and translating the words in my head from my native dialect of Waray to my National language Tagalog and into English. As a Filipino immigrant I have a unique perspective on why it is important for immigrants to learn to read and speak English. It is significant for us immigrants to learn English when we move to America. Learning English is very important because it improves one’s opportunity of getting a good job. Learning English helps communicate with Americans and other non-English speakers. Finally, it also enriches and broadens one’s social life. For these reasons, I believe it is important to learn and clearly speak English in this country in order to make a living, for better communications with others, and to have a more meaningful social life, but that it is also important for native English speakers to learn another language fluently.

Résumé des informations

Bilingualism: A Key to Success in the U.S.A
N° de catalogue
ISBN (ebook)
Taille d'un fichier
386 KB
Mots clés
bilingualism, success
Citation du texte
Beth McKnight (Auteur), 2010, Bilingualism: A Key to Success in the U.S.A, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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