Relationships between parents and their children are never easy, because they belong to different generation, and have therefore different values in life. This often leads to conflicts. But in the short story Soldier’s Home by Ernest Hemingway the protangonist Krebs and his mother do not have an usual generation conflict. Krebs has a changed character, because he has been to war. He does not have an aim in his life anymore. Krebs’s mother embodies the community’s values, and she makes Krebs start an adult life against his will. This includes that she encourages him to find a job, and a girlfriend. Moreover, she wants him to believe in God, and to show affection for her and the rest of the family.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Unusual generation conflict
- Mother influences Krebs
- Find a job
- Get a girlfriend
- Believe in God
- Show feelings
- Krebs's new life
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay examines the relationship between Krebs, the protagonist of Ernest Hemingway's short story "Soldier's Home," and his mother. It explores how the mother embodies the values of the community and how these values influence Krebs's post-war life. The essay delves into the generational conflict that arises from their differing experiences and perspectives.
- The impact of war on a young man's psyche
- The pressure to conform to societal expectations
- The role of family in shaping an individual's identity
- The struggle to reconcile personal values with societal norms
- The complexities of mother-son relationships
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The essay begins by establishing the context of the story, highlighting the generational divide between Krebs and his mother. It then examines how Krebs's mother attempts to guide him back into a "normal" life after his return from war. The essay focuses on four key areas where the mother's influence is evident: finding a job, getting a girlfriend, believing in God, and showing feelings. Each section analyzes how the mother's expectations reflect the community's values and how Krebs struggles to reconcile them with his own experiences and desires.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The essay explores key themes of generational conflict, societal expectations, post-war trauma, family dynamics, and the struggle for personal identity. It examines the role of the mother as a representative of community values and how her influence shapes the protagonist's choices and actions. The essay also focuses on the complexities of emotional expression and the impact of societal norms on individual well-being.
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- Katharina Ochsenfahrt (Autor:in), 2008, Discussion essay on the short story “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway, München, GRIN Verlag,