Women and equality. Feminism and legal deprivation

Essay, 2024

6 Pages, Grade: 1


Abstract or Introduction

This abstract explores the empowerment of feminism, legal rights and the quest for equality. As feminism involves gender equality, empowering feminism means challenging past historical conventions that favored men over women, and considered men as superior in society. Women were deprived of every right and were not allowed to speak, when we take a look at the revolutionary year of 1848 or the era of the Frankfurt National Assembly women were not allowed to give their opinions, they were suppressed and during any assembly session they used to sit backstages and they were deprived of their right to vote, even in today’s era women are looked upon as a liability and curse, It's disheartening to see woman being consistently mistreated. A woman have always been looked upon as a maid. and she was considered to be enslaved by men and she always endured the misogynist taunts and vapid violence, This abstract highlights the urgent need to address these injustices and advocate for reforms that ensure gender equality within legal frameworks. By examining the dynamics of injustice faced by women, we aim to underscore the imperative of dismantling systemic barriers and advancing principles of equity and fairness in the pursuit of justice.


Women and equality. Feminism and legal deprivation
Bachelor of arts and bachelor of law
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Enslave, empowerment, equality, Feminism, Gender Equality, Pursuit of Justice, Legal deprivation
Quote paper
Anonymous, 2024, Women and equality. Feminism and legal deprivation, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1493024


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