The consequences of climate change to social, economical and environment are becoming the most concern issues of political, business and society leaders in both developed and developing countries. However, prediction of climate change impact becomes the concern among the scientists around the world. Uncertainties in climate prediction are the main obstacles for climate change mitigation and adaptation.The high level of uncertainties in climate changes prediction causes high risk in management action. The uncertainties can mean that the impact of climate change can be lower or higher than expected by scientists.The uncertainties derive from the range of socio-economic development scenarios, climate model projections, the downscaling of climate effects to local/regional scales, impacts assessments, and feedbacks from adaptation and mitigation activities. In addition, high level in uncertainties can increase the cost of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. Moreover, setting up the priorities for conservation and management of biodiversity is the challenge for all the countries in the world because climate change may happen rapidly than the current prediction. This is not meant that it is impossible to set up the priorities for conservation and management under the uncertain impact of climate change. This essay will look into the conservation and management measures of biodiversity under the climate variability due to uncertainties in prediction. Then it will highlight some practical examples from both developed and under developed countries.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Conservation of biodiversity under uncertainty
- Management of biodiversity under uncertainty
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay examines the challenges of conserving and managing biodiversity under the uncertainty of climate change predictions. It explores the impact of climate change on biodiversity, including the potential effects on species distribution, ecosystems, and human well-being. The essay also highlights the role of adaptive management strategies and local knowledge in addressing the uncertainties of climate change.
- The impact of climate change on biodiversity
- The challenges of managing biodiversity under uncertainty
- The importance of adaptive management strategies
- The role of local knowledge in climate change adaptation
- The need for collaboration between scientists and policymakers
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the topic of climate change and its impact on biodiversity. It highlights the uncertainties in climate change predictions and the challenges they pose for conservation and management efforts.
- Conservation of biodiversity under uncertainty: This chapter explores the potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity, including changes in species distribution, timing of reproduction, and ecosystem services. It also discusses the importance of integrating biodiversity conservation plans into regional planning.
- Management of biodiversity under uncertainty: This chapter focuses on adaptive management strategies, which are designed to reduce the consequences of uncertainties in climate change predictions. It also explores the role of local knowledge in understanding and adapting to climate change impacts.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Climate change, biodiversity, conservation, management, uncertainty, adaptive management, local knowledge, ecosystem services, species distribution, climate impact, climate prediction, policy-oriented science.
- Citation du texte
- Donal Yeang (Auteur), 2009, Do Uncertainties in Climate Change Predictions Make It Impossible to Set Priorities for Conservation and Management of Biodiversity?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,