Implementation of an ERP System to Digitize and Optimize all Company Processes

Diplomarbeit, 2023

41 Seiten, Note: 1,3

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

The main objective of the project was to implement an ERP system that would digitize and optimize all company processes. The success of the implementation was measured by achieving a 30% reduction in cycle time and error rate, along with cost savings of 50,000 euros annually. The projected project duration was two years. The project has been successfully completed within the expected timeframe. The ERP system has been successfully introduced, addressing the challenges associated with analog work methods and providing a streamlined approach to managing operations. The company now has a robust ERP system in place that will enhance efficiency and productivity. During the project, it was discovered that additional employee training was necessary to ensure a smooth transition to the new system. Costs increased due to the development or acquisition of tailored training materials. This investment was crucial in preparing employees for the changes and maximizing the benefits of the ERP system. The implementation phase took less time than initially anticipated, indicating effective project management and resource allocation. This efficient execution allowed the company to realize the benefits of the ERP system earlier than expected, resulting in improved processes and operational performance. Key lessons learned from the project include the importance of comprehensive planning, stakeholder involvement, and change management. Thorough planning, clear communication, and collaboration with stakeholders were critical to the success of the ERP implementation. Additionally, effective change management strategies, including training and support, helped employees adapt to the new processes and technologies.


Implementation of an ERP System to Digitize and Optimize all Company Processes
Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
implementation, system, digitize, optimize, company, processes, Sap ERP
Arbeit zitieren
Markus Müller (Autor:in), 2023, Implementation of an ERP System to Digitize and Optimize all Company Processes, München, GRIN Verlag,


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