The Ottoman Empire, Orientalism and the Quest of Self-Representation at the Chicago World’s Fair 1893

Dossier / Travail, 2023

14 Pages, Note: 1,7

Résumé ou Introduction

This paper wants to explore the relation between the Ottoman Empire and Orientalism. In doing so, the focus is on, firstly, what the Ottoman empire and particularly its European presence reveal about Orientalism. Although the Ottomans ruled in Europe, they were never regarded as European. The presence of a Muslim European power who was at times on equal terms with counterparts on the European continent was occluded for the sake of a homogenous Western identity. Secondly, this paper will have a closer look into the Ottomans interaction with Orientalism. In order to do that, the Ottoman self-representation at the Chicago World’s Fair 1893 will be assessed. World Fair’s throughout the 19th century are performative events on a global scale where power relations are expressed and negotiated on the basis of prevalent discourses. Therefore, the Ottomans’ very well documented participation at the fair will help to elucidate and unearth how Orientalism is not limited to the ‘archival vacuum’ and asymmetric power dynamics are maintained.

Résumé des informations

The Ottoman Empire, Orientalism and the Quest of Self-Representation at the Chicago World’s Fair 1893
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg
N° de catalogue
ISBN (ebook)
ISBN (Livre)
Mots clés
Postcolonialism, Orientalism, Ottoman Empire, Ottoman Orientalism, Edward Said, Postcolonial Studies, World Fairs, Chicago World Fair 1893
Citation du texte
Melih Kemerli (Auteur), 2023, The Ottoman Empire, Orientalism and the Quest of Self-Representation at the Chicago World’s Fair 1893, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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