Inpainting is an art of restoring an image which could be damaged, torn or distorted. It has been performed from centuries for restoring paintings performed by professional curators (usually using colours). The modern inpainting is performed on digital images and pictures which makes it different from the traditional practice. With applications such as object removal or text concealment or restoring a missing part of an image or many other such applications, this field is boosting. The algorithms used are deep learning based- GAN and CNN and non-deep learning based- Diffusion based, Exemplar and search based, Hybrid inpainting and many more. The CNN and GAN are used for large scale data.
Inpainting is an art of restoring an image which could be damaged, torn or distorted. It has been performed from centuries for restoring paintings performed by professional curators (usually using colours). The modern inpainting is performed on digital images and pictures which makes it different from the traditional practice. With applications such as object removal or text concealment or restoring a missing part of an image or many other such applications, this field is boosting. The algorithms used are deep learning based- GAN and CNN and non-deep learning based- Diffusion based, Exemplar and search based, Hybrid inpainting and many more. The CNN and GAN are used for large scale data. This paper emphasises on non-deep learning-based algorithms.
Image restoration has been practiced through several decades. Initially, image restoration was carried out by mainly curators or professionals on hand drawn paintings or physical arts. This is referred as inpainting. Inpainting is the art of re-constructing the damaged areas or missing parts or the one which is deteriorated. Inpainting has been practiced from medieval age to the day now. Back then, the damaged areas were filled with some colors. In this era of digital world, image inpainting is performed not only on physical art, but also on digital arts or images. There are many theories and algorithms used for inpainting. The diffusion based inpainting algorithms works well with PDEs (Partial Differential Equations). This is totally based without any user involvement (once the region to be inpainted is selected). Thus, the task to specify the texture (which to put where) is resolved [1]. The texture synthesis based inpainting is based on textures that are replicated or synthesized via a sampled texture [2]. Given two types of textures: 1. Regular 2. Stochastic. The regular textures contain repeated texels (texture elements) whereas the stochastic textures are contained without explicit texels [3-4]. Criminisi et al. proposed the exemplar based inpainting algorithm in which the order of filling region is priority based using onion peel filling process [5]. The amalgamation of texture and PDE based algorithms results in hybrid inpainting method where image is decomposed on set of images [6].
The region to be inpainted is denoted by Ω and its contour is denoted by ∂Ω. being the source region.
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Fig.1 an image with some defect that is to be inpainted
Diffusion Processes
Basically, three diffusion methods are used: Isotropic diffusion, Non-linear diffusion and Anisotropic diffusion. The isotropic diffusion uses linear heat equation, suppressing high frequencies in an image, and acts as a low-pass filter resulting blur close to edge and contours. Perona et al. [7] introduced a diffusion coefficient or conductivity coefficient which in turn reduces the diffusion and smoothing around edges and boundaries respectively. While the anisotropic regularization smoothens in directions which are due spatial [8].
Texture synthesis-based image inpainting
The missing regions are filled up with comparable neighbours of the damaged pixels utilising methods based on texture synthesis. It is helpful for regions that are larger using texture information. A three phase inpainting approach by [21] is as follows:
i. Matching and landmark extraction.
ii. Directional information is interpolated.
iii. Copy data from one picture to another.
Local inpainting techniques can be used in conjunction with interpolation to enhance the outcome if the inpainting reveals certain abnormalities in the intensity levels in the updated image. From initial seed, synthesis a texture algorithm into a pixel following the preservation of the local image [3] based on Markov Random Field (MRF), basically sampling and copying in the neighbouring pixels. Sampling and copying are performed to fill the holes. The differences in various texture algorithms are how they maintain the continuity from holes of pixel and the image pixel. As per [3], the following steps were presented:
i. Parametric statistical based –Produced stochastic textures successfully, failed in producing regular textures.
ii. Non-parametric patch based –performed on patches (patch-by-patch sampled textures) resulting in faster and good regular textures.
iii. Non-parametric pixel based –Improved quality of image than statistical based but fails in structured texture. Performs pixel-by-pixel sampled texture.
These methods often attempt to characterize the process by extracting some statistics using compact parametric statistical models from an input texture. These methods then start with an output image that contains only noise in order to create a new texture, and then keep perturbing that image until the estimated statistics of the input texture are met. For the case of image sequences, parametric statistical models have also been suggested in addition to the synthesis of still images. The fundamental disadvantage of all parametric statistical model-based approaches is that, as was already indicated, they can only be used to solve the problem of texture creation and not the more general issue of image completion. However, they can only synthesis in the limited instance of texture synthesis. Highly stochastic textures typically fail to do so for textures that also contain structures. However, on occasion, where applicable, parametric models provide you more versatility when it comes to changing the texture's properties. These techniques can also be very helpful for the procedure that is the opposite of texture generation, namely the analysis of textures [22-23].
PDE based inpainting
PDE based algorithm is more preferred to fill smaller regions and on still images using diffusion process stating that the PDE based inpainting are capable and quite handy with diffusion processes. Algorithms used for smaller regions uses several frames to restore an image. As per [6], the isophotes (grey level lines) arrives at the boundary ∂Ω, the direction of its arrival is estimated, as a result, the original image undergoes through an anisotropic diffusion (generally using tensor fields) to minimize the noise. The direction of the highest spatial change is determined by computing a discretized gradient vector at each pixel along the inpainting contour, then rotating the resultant vector by 90 degrees, following an LUV color model.
The primary issue with [6] was the replication of vast textured regions. Chan and Shen [10], based on [6] proposed a model based on total variational inpainting which follows the restoration model [12], following the Euler-Lagrange’s equation. The drawback using TV model is that is cannot inpaint a single object which is distanced from the inpainting region, due which restoration is not possible.
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Fig.2 RGB color model. [6]
Later Chan and Shen in [11] introduced CCDs – Curvature Driven Diffusions based on non-texture images and anisotropic diffusion as used in TV model and Bertalmio [6]. The CCD model can inpaint larger areas compared to TV model. In [13], the authors proposed an algorithm which inpaints rapidly in expense of the quality of the image, depending upon convolution operator using an average kernel, weighted zero at the center. It is applicable for small areas where artifact (blurry) images are not a high concern.
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Fig.3 The TV model is against the connectivity principle. [10]
Gopinath et al. in [14] introduced inpainting using median diffusion. Here, the Laplacian distribution's median is the location's greatest probability estimate. In order to inpaint the inner region, the suggested technique diffuses pixels with the median value from the outside area into that area. The edge is preserved by the median filter.
Exemplar based inpainting
This technique, developed by Criminisi et al. [5], uses isophote-driven inpainting and texture creation to great effect with capability to breed in both linear and 2-D structure. The priority-based method in this algorithm is utilised to choose the order in which regions are filled. They introduced a new filling process rather than the conventional filling process viz. onion peel.
Any exemplar-based technique follows following steps:
i. Set up the target region.
ii. Determine the target region’s boundaries.
iii. Choose a patch from the area that needs to be inpainted.
iv. Find the patch in the image that most closely resembles the one you’ve chosen. –Mean Square Error (MSE) used to determine the best match patch.
v. Update the image’s metadata.
The priority function at Criminisi’s algorithm is defined as a product of two term:
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Where, C(p) and D(p) represents confidence term and data term of patch respectively.
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, α is a normalization factor
, |ψp| is the area of p
, np is a unit vector orthogonal to the front δΩ in the point p and ⊥ denotes the orthogonal operator.
Set up the target region. Without implicit and explicit segmentation, the algorithm is successful in filling the target region, without no edge blur and over-shooting artifacts. Speed and accuracy are also key points to note in this algorithm. The limitations are that curved structures are not handled correctly by this approach, and biassing results from improper patch selection.
In [15], the authors approached a percentile priority based concentric filling (PPCF), based on K-nearest neighbour approach using hierarchical decomposition. In the direction of isophote direction, the image structures are well preserved but less than [5]. The template matching is based on SSD – sum of squared matching, leading to greater visual gain. In [16], the Robust Exemplar Based Algorithm -REBA (a modified version of Classical Exemplar based algorithm) using an additive form of computation of priority function.
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α and β are the components weight. The regularising factor ω regulates the smoothness of the curve. The above algorithms produced visually poor results as the mean square error of 2 or more similar patches are same.
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Fig.4 Selection of incorrect patch. [19]
In [19], the authors tried to resolve the above issue using the calculation of variance of MSE i.e., the variance of the patch’s pixel.
In [17], the approach for automatically removing local flaws such blotches and impulse noise from ancient motion picture films is presented in this study. Fuzzy prefiltering, motion-compensated blotch detection, and spatiotemporal inpainting are all phases in the fully automated procedure. Based on the examination of color distribution, the authors in [18] proposed algorithms for priority matching. Using non-local means, the author in [20], uses multiple samples from the image giving more quantitative and qualitative image with the help of weighted aggregated equation.
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Where h is coefficient of decay.
Hybrid inpainting
In [24], the authors proposed a hybrid inpainting model using TV-L1equation (to decompose textural part of an image) and a bi-directional PDE (based on inviscid Helmholtz vorticity equation, to decompose structural part of an image). The TV-L 1 have a wider dynamic range. TV model is as follows:
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TV-L 1 model is as follows:
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Where, I0is an original image, Iis the resultant image, the texture part is represented as the difference between Iand I0.The exemplar model can preserve texture information while PDE can’t inpaint textured region well. So, both are well used in this model. In the exemplar model, the confidence term equation in texture part is:
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Where, the entire image is Ω.
Based on Bezier curves (to model smooth curves), in [25], later using exemplar and edge-based image restoration algorithm (based on [26]), the author proposed a new hybrid model using Otsu’s thresholding for restoring image structures.
The modified Lowry method is regarded as one of the accepted techniques for calculating the protein content during the quality control of latex gloves. However, this conventional approach necessitates a number of tiresome chemical procedures, which leads to time-consuming. To overcome such, a process named Computerised Colorimetric Protein Estimation Method (CCPE) was implemented in [27], with determination of protein concentration efficiently.
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Fig.5 A comparison between two different techniques (a) a synthetic image (b) masked image (c) Bezier curves based inpainted image (d) Exemplar based inpainted image. [25]
A portion of the CCPE approach will include scanning glove samples with a scanner to create digital images of the samples. After that, computational techniques will be used to the picture of the digitalized glove sample to determine the protein content. Wrinkles on the image will, however, reduce the accuracy of the estimation findings throughout the scanning procedure. To eliminate wrinkle of the image the authors in [27] used inpainting method based on Bezier-Exemplar Hybrid based image inpainting with 96% accuracy of protein concentration and 99% restored inpainted wrinkled image. [1-32]
Study of different methods
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This paper gives a glimpse on image inpainting along with its categories and different techniques used to perform it. Various algorithms are proposed by different researchers. Here, a few of them are mentioned. Currently, there are no particular methods that complete the task to do so. All techniques have their flaws and benefits with various usages.
Future Work
In future, it would be delighted to work on the current algorithms and to implement it on various sources. It would be done so to help the humankind in restoring old photographs as they carry immense memories for one.
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Frequently Asked Questions About Image Inpainting
What is image inpainting?
Image inpainting is the art of restoring damaged, torn, or distorted images. Traditionally, it involved curators using colors to restore paintings. Modern inpainting uses digital techniques on digital images.
What are some applications of image inpainting?
Applications include object removal, text concealment, restoring missing image parts, and more.
What types of algorithms are used for image inpainting?
Algorithms include deep learning based (GAN and CNN) and non-deep learning based (Diffusion based, Exemplar and search based, Hybrid inpainting).
What are diffusion-based inpainting algorithms?
Diffusion-based algorithms work well with Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). They operate without user involvement once the region to be inpainted is selected.
How does texture synthesis-based inpainting work?
Texture synthesis-based inpainting replicates or synthesizes textures via a sampled texture. It distinguishes between regular textures (repeated texels) and stochastic textures (without explicit texels).
What is exemplar-based inpainting?
Exemplar-based inpainting, proposed by Criminisi et al., prioritizes filling regions using an onion peel filling process.
What is hybrid inpainting?
Hybrid inpainting combines texture and PDE-based algorithms, decomposing the image into sets of images.
What are the different diffusion methods used?
Three main diffusion methods are isotropic diffusion, non-linear diffusion, and anisotropic diffusion.
How does texture synthesis fill missing regions?
Methods based on texture synthesis fill missing regions with comparable neighbors of damaged pixels.
What are the phases of the three-phase inpainting approach?
The phases are matching and landmark extraction, directional information interpolation, and copying data from one picture to another.
What are the different types of parametric statistical methods for texture synthesis?
These include parametric statistical based (good for stochastic textures), non-parametric patch based (faster, good for regular textures), and non-parametric pixel based (improved quality, fails in structured texture).
When are PDE-based algorithms preferred?
PDE-based algorithms are often preferred for filling smaller regions and on still images using diffusion processes.
What is the problem with total variational (TV) inpainting?
The drawback of the TV model is that it cannot inpaint a single object that is distanced from the inpainting region.
What are Curvature Driven Diffusions (CCDs)?
CCDs are based on non-texture images and anisotropic diffusion, and can inpaint larger areas compared to the TV model.
How does exemplar-based inpainting work?
This technique uses isophote-driven inpainting and texture creation. It involves setting up the target region, determining its boundaries, choosing a patch, finding a similar patch in the image, and updating the image's metadata.
What is the priority function in Criminisi's algorithm?
The priority function is a product of the confidence term and the data term of the patch.
What is PPCF in the context of exemplar-based inpainting?
PPCF stands for percentile priority based concentric filling, based on a K-nearest neighbor approach using hierarchical decomposition.
What is REBA?
REBA stands for Robust Exemplar Based Algorithm, a modified version of the classical exemplar-based algorithm using an additive form of computation of priority function.
How does the hybrid inpainting model work?
A hybrid inpainting model might use TV-L1 equation (to decompose the textural part of an image) and a bi-directional PDE (to decompose the structural part of an image).
What is the CCPE method?
Computerised Colorimetric Protein Estimation Method (CCPE) is implemented for determination of protein concentration efficiently and overcomes time consuming steps.
What is image inpainting used for with the CCPE method?
Image inpainting is used to eliminate wrinkles of glove images with Bezier-Exemplar Hybrid based image inpainting with 96% accuracy of protein concentration and 99% restored inpainted wrinkled image during the scanning stage.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various inpainting methods?
Each technique has its flaws and benefits with various usages, and there are no particular methods that complete the task perfectly.
- Citation du texte
- Hardik Modi (Auteur), Dhruva Patel (Auteur), Sagar Patel (Auteur), Fundamentals of Different Image Inpainting Techniques, Munich, GRIN Verlag,