The study sought to establish the effect of supplier development on procurement performance of manufacturing firms. The study specifically looked at the effect of supplier training on procurement performance of manufacturing firms, the effect of early supplier involvement on procurement performance of manufacturing firms, and the effect of financial support on procurement performance of manufacturing firms.
The study adopted a descriptive cross-section research design and used both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The target population was 502 employees of UBL where a sample size of 217 respondents was selected using the Krejice and Morgan table. Information was solicited from respondents by use of questionnaires, which were based on a five-point Likert scale and interview guide. Quantitative data analysis presented using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, whereas content qualitative data was presented using verbatim.
Generally, the findings of the study clearly showed that supplier training significantly affect procurement performance of UBL (adjusted R Square =.564). Findings further revealed that early supplier involvement moderately affects procurement performance of UBL. The results also showed that financial assistance significantly affect procurement performance of UBL). Findings again showed that the supplier training, early supplier involvement, and financial support predicts 74.3% of procurement performance in UBL.
Basing on the findings of the study, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between supplier training and procurement performance of UBL. Any efforts put into supplier training will significantly improve procurement performance. Early supplier involvement was, however, having moderate relationship with procurement performance, and it was further concluded that there was a significant relationship between financial assistance and procurement performance of manufacturing firms like UBL.
This was attributed to the fact that respondents agreed that providing prompt payment, advance payments, and credit guarantees improves the production and supplying capabilities of suppliers, thus leading to improvement in procurement performance of UBL.
Basing on the conclusion, the research recommended that there is need for the managers in manufacturing firms to periodically organize seminars, workshops, and field days for the company suppliers so that they can easily interface with them.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- 1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Background of the study
- 1.2 Statement of the problem
- 1.3 Study objectives
- 1.3.1 General objective of the study
- 1.3.2 Specific objectives of the study
- 1.4 Hypothesis of the Study
- 1.5 Scope of the Study
- 1.5.1 Content Scope
- 1.5.2 Geographical Scope
- 1.5.3 Time Scope
- 1.6 Significance of the Study
- 1.7 Justification of the study
- 1.8 Definition of Key Terms
- 1.9 Conceptual Frame work
- 1.10 Conclusion
- 2.0 Literature Review
- 2.1 Theoretical Review
- 2.1.1 Theory of Constraints (TOC)
- 2.1.2 Resource Dependence Theory (RDT)
- 2.2 Overview of the study concepts
- 2.2.1 Supplier Development
- 2.2.2 Procurement Performance
- 2.3 Actual review
- 2.3.1 Supplier training and procurement performance
- 2.3.2 Early supplier involvement (ESI) and procurement performance
- 2.3.3 Financial assistance and procurement performance
- 2.3.4 Buyers Supplier Relationships
- 2.4. Conclusion and Literature Gap
- 3.0 Research Methodology
- 3.1 Research Design
- 3.2 Area of study
- 3.3 Study population
- 3.4 Sampling Procedures
- 3.4.1 Sample size
- 3.4.2 Sampling Techniques
- 3.5 Data sources
- 3.5.1 Primary sources
- 3.5.2 Secondary sources
- 3.6 Data Collection Methods and Instruments
- 3.6.1 Data Collection Methods
- 3.6.2 Data Collection Tools/Instruments
- 3.7 Quality control
- 3.7.1 Validity
- 3.7.2 Reliability
- 3.8 Measurement of variables
- 3.9 Data Analysis
- 3.9.1 Quantitative Analysis
- 3.9.2 Qualitative Analysis
- 3.10 Ethical consideration
- 3.11 Limitations of the study
- 4.0 Presentation, Analysis, and discussion of findings
- 4.1 Response Rate
- 4.2 Respondents' Background Information
- 4.2.1 Gender
- 4.2.2 Respondent's Age
- 4.2.3 Respondents level of Education
- 4.2.4 Number of years while working with UBL
- 4.3 Descriptive statistics
- 4.3.1 Effects of Supplier Training on procurement performance
- 4.3.2 Procurement Performance in UBL
- 4.3.3 Supplier relationship in UBL
- 4.4 Inferential statistics
- 4.4.1 Correlation Coefficients
- 4.4.2 Regression Models
- 4.4.3 Regression Coefficients
- 4.4 Conclusion
- 5.0 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
- 5.1 Summary of findings
- 5.1.1 Effects of Supplier Training on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.1.2Effects of Early Supplier Involvement on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing firms
- 5.1.3Effects of Financial Assistance on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.2. Conclusions
- 5.2.1 Supplier Training and Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.2.2 Early supplier involvement and Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.2.3 Financial Assistance and Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.3 Recommendations
- 5.3.1 Supplier Training on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.3.2 Early Supplier Involvement on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.3.3 Financial assistance on Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms
- 5.4 Areas for further studies
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This dissertation aims to investigate the impact of supplier development on the procurement performance of manufacturing firms in Uganda. It specifically focuses on Uganda Breweries Ltd (UBL), a leading beverage manufacturer in the country. The study examines the effects of three key supplier development practices: supplier training, early supplier involvement, and financial assistance. The main themes explored in the dissertation include:- The role of supplier development in enhancing procurement performance
- The specific impacts of supplier training, early supplier involvement, and financial assistance on procurement outcomes
- The relationship between supplier development and the overall success of manufacturing firms
- The application of theoretical frameworks, such as the Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Resource Dependence Theory (RDT), to understand supplier development and procurement performance
- The relevance and implications of the research findings for the Ugandan manufacturing sector
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1: Introduction: This chapter introduces the research topic, its background, and significance. It outlines the problem, objectives, and scope of the study. It also defines key terms, presents the conceptual framework, and justifies the need for the research.
- Chapter 2: Literature Review: This chapter reviews existing literature on supplier development and procurement performance, examining relevant theories, frameworks, and empirical studies. It explores the theoretical underpinnings of the research, analyzes prior research findings, and identifies research gaps.
- Chapter 3: Research Methodology: This chapter describes the research design, population, sampling procedures, data sources, and data collection methods used in the study. It outlines the measures taken to ensure data quality and addresses ethical considerations and limitations.
- Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Discussion of Findings: This chapter presents the results of the data analysis, discussing the findings and their implications. It includes descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and an analysis of the relationship between supplier development practices and procurement performance.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The main keywords and focus topics of this dissertation are: supplier development, procurement performance, manufacturing firms, Uganda Breweries Ltd, supplier training, early supplier involvement, financial assistance, Theory of Constraints, Resource Dependence Theory, and Ugandan manufacturing sector. These terms represent the core concepts and research areas investigated in the study, providing a comprehensive overview of the dissertation's primary themes.- Arbeit zitieren
- Tonny Mugere (Autor:in), 2022, Supplier Development and Procurement Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Uganda, München, GRIN Verlag,