Neurocultural Anthropology. Integrative Cultural Intelligence Research

Quadrilingual text in English, German, French and Spanish

Forschungsarbeit, 2022

287 Seiten

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

The rationale and corresponding research question of this research initiative is to conduct fundamental culture research in view the elaboration of a ground-breaking global cultural diversity management praxeology that effectively responds to epochal geopolitical, geoeconomic, geoecological et alia imperatives. To attain this objective, methodologically, a new look is taken at the nature of culture in the holistic human structural and functional inner architecture, intra- and interpersonally and interculturally and related geocultural management requirements in the planetary environment of the 21st century. It is a new approach in the sense that it formulates a new cultural anthropology from quadruple complementary angles of vision: neuroscience & consciousness research, quantum physics and energetic biology embedded in a millenary ancestral and transcultural epistemological context of cognition and experience amounting to a world première quantum cultural neuroanthropology; an integrative science of culture and global cultural diversity management consolidating the foundations and completing the state-of-the-art intercultural research edifice and acquis in a superordinate hard science based optic.

The quadruple transcience integration is paralleled and supported by a quadrilingual presentation for the additional benefit of diversly enabled global readers and their reading comfort. The quadruple, quadrilingual formula is complemented by quadruple reference formatting as follows:
1. The general underlying tenor of this research project report consisting of the combined - indeed historical - research pillars of quantum paradigm metaphor and neuroscience principles, i.e., on the one hand, of Heisenberg’s uncertainty relationship and of Bohr’s complementarity principle, and, on the other hand, of the twofold structural and functional integration principle of neurophysiology.
2. Classical bibliographic referencing embedded in the text of the research project elaboration and report
3. A detailed terminological and bibliographic reference resource
4. And, finally, a summary Bibliography by international standards
Note: All visuals, tables and legends for illustration and clarification used in this study are by the author of this publication, unless stated otherwise.


Neurocultural Anthropology. Integrative Cultural Intelligence Research
Quadrilingual text in English, German, French and Spanish
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
chief language English, plurilingual and transcience
interkulturelle Forschung, intercultural research, Grundlagen und Praxeologie, integrative Kulturforschung, integrative science of culture, transcultural-geocultural global diversity management research, fundamental research and paradigm advancement, sustainable planetary change mgmt - global peace-prosperity and survival
Arbeit zitieren
Gebhard Deißler (Autor:in), 2022, Neurocultural Anthropology. Integrative Cultural Intelligence Research, München, GRIN Verlag,


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