This paper deals with the English language in Finnish education and business. Furthermore, it shows how success and language skills are linked to each other, especially under the aspect of intercultural communication. Some examples show what kind of communication problems might emerge, when Finns communicate with native English speakers.
Table of contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Curriculum and historic approach
2. Language teaching in Finnish primary and secondary schools
2.1. The growing importance of English
2.2 Content and Language Integrated learning
2.3 Languages in vocational training
3. Conclusion as regards education
4. The use of English for business purposes
4.1 English as a company language
4.2 English within the Finnish industry
5. Conclusions and discussion of the findings
6. A Finnish variety of English?
7. Recommendation
8. Reference List
English in Finland – The value of English as a foreign language in respect to education and business
1. Introduction
This paper investigates the standing of English in Finnish education and business. The focus of the research lies on the overall education young Finns receive as regards English and the impact the far reaching spread of English in Finland has on the willingness to study other languages. In this respect special attention is paid to the country’s second official language Swedish. Furthermore the paper deals with the importance English has for the Finnish businesses and highlights some Finnish peculiarities concerning the use of English. Although the author is aware of the fact that Swedish is the native language of 5.5 % of the Finnish population and the 2nd official language, the Finland Swedes are not mentioned in this assignment due to the size limit of the work and a lack of skills as regards the Swedish language.
1.1 Curriculum and historic approach
School children as well as university students usually attend a school where the principal language of instruction is their mother tongue. The national curriculum published by the Finnish National Board of Education is valid for the country as a whole, so that everybody receives the same education. (Direction Nationale Finlandaise de l’ Enseignement, 2005: 7)
Using the historical approach Finland belongs to the expanding circle of English speaking countries (Crystal, 2003: 61). Nowadays English has no official status in the country, but is the foreign language which is taught the most in primary and secondary schools, so that literally everybody speaks English to a certain extend. (Direction Nationale Finlandaise de l’Enseignement, 2005: 39).
2. Language Teaching in Finnish primary and secondary schools
A good command of foreign languages is highly valued in Finnish education. School children are encouraged to study foreign languages as a means of communication and understanding of different cultures (Direction Nationale Finlandaise de l’Enseignement, 2005: 7).
Therefore all children have to study at least one modern foreign language and the 2nd national language. The first foreign language starts in grades 1-3 and is studied for at least 7 years and teaching of the 2nd national language begins in grade 7 if it is not voluntarily studied earlier. The minimum study period is 3 years according to the Finnish National Board of Education (2005: 39).
The following scheme shows the national curriculum as regards language teaching.
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2.1 Language teaching and language requirements in respect to pupils’age
Source: Direction National Finlandaise de l’Enseignement (2005 : 6)
2.1 The growing importance of English
As the importance of English is growing in Finland as well as throughout the world, other languages, in this case Swedish, might lose their importance as suggested by Crystal (2003: 61). Statistics of language teaching published by the Finnish National Board of Education (2005: 39-40) support this hypothesis.
The table below indicates that English is in the vast majority of all cases the first foreign language school children study nowadays. On the contrary, Swedish has lost a part of its importance and is now studied as a first language by only 1.3% of all school children in the predominately Finnish speaking communities. This might be due to the fact that it is felt that developing expertise in the English language is more beneficial in the context of a globalized business world. Nevertheless Swedish must be studied for at least 3 years from grade 7 on.
Apart from French, which is constantly studied by about 1 % of all Finnish school children as their first foreign language, also all other languages have lost their attractiveness during the years.
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2.1.1 Languages studied as a first language in percentage of pupils
Source: Direction National Finlandaise de l’Enseignement (2005 : 39)
49 % of all school children opt for studying a third foreign language either as an A2 or a B2 language.
The following tables show the number of students which chose to study a 3rd language as well as they indicate the preferred languages.
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2.1.2 Languages chosen as a second foreign language in grade 5 in percentage of all pupils
Source: Direction National Finlandaise de l’Enseignment (2005 : 39)
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2.1.3 Languages chosen as a thrid foreign language in grade 8 and 9 in percentage of all pupils
Source: Direction Nationale Finlandaise de l’Enseignement (2005 :40)
In this case the most attractive languages seem to be German and French. However, the tables clearly indicate that the total number of students who study a 3rd foreign language has been decreasing since 1998. This development might be due to the fact that the importance of English is now rising even further and many students might think that developing expertise in this language would be sufficient for their later lives. In the business section, this matter will be investigated further.
- Citation du texte
- Vera Metzen (Auteur), 2008, English in Finland , Munich, GRIN Verlag,
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