Discovering Social Media. Why it’s necessary and why you should be on it

Essai, 2021

10 Pages, Note: 12


Discovering Social Media: Why it’s necessary and why you should be on it!

Social media is a big topic of discussion in our day and age. Many people have different opinions of it. Some people think it's good and some think it's bad. With our younger generation especially, we see a clear divide. We must get to the bottom of this! Many families make decisions regarding whether their younger adults can use social media. An example of this is seen by Bob’s parents who don’t allow him on social media, whereas his best friend, Rob, is allowed to be on social media. Bob watches as Rob gains opportunities, friends, and experiences through social media. Once Bob is older his parents realize they should have let their son be on social media after seeing all the opportunities he missed out on. Learn from Bob! Social media is crucial in young adults' lives now and also for their future. The question over social media goes back to the early days of the technology age. This question over whether or not kids should be on social media has grown over time as social media has grown bigger and bigger. Ever since the first social media site, many things have changed but few things have remained the same (or strikingly similar). The first social media site was Six Degrees where users were able to make a profile page, create connections among users, and send messages. These basic tools are still seen in our social media platforms to this day. Another key aspect seen amongst the early days of Social media sites was the way people were able to rate each other publicly. This aspect of rating other users is still used today. (With some differences, of course). Users on modern day social media platforms still rate people through their posts, likes, views, and followers. As these activities do raise red flags with the ever growing modern world turning to social media for everything, it's an important tool for people to get involved with or at least get exposure to social media at a young age. Social media is starting to become essential in our lives, and is a good thing for young adults because it helps them connect with others, finds businesses and schools, and even spreads God's word and helps the community.

Social media helps connect us with others! In,“Benefits of Social Networking Websites for Young People” by Roger Edwards, there are themes shown throughout the book including enhanced learning opportunities, facilitating supportive relationships, and identity formation. Enhanced learning opportunities have been used greatly in the year 2020. We have used every resource possible to help us learn remotely in this past year and without the help of social networking sites, many people would struggle without extra resources. In the book it states “They found that online communication added value to existing friendships for young people (offering advice, assistance with school work, and access to news and current events) and did not affect or reduce or displace face to face interaction.”(Edwards 7). This shows that social media does not hinder young people's relationships; it actually enhances them in a beneficial way. This leads to younger adults developing better social skills and feeling less isolated. It also enhances young people's involvement in things around school and the community. Edwards goes on to say that social media, “Enhances creativity, promotes self and collective expression and identity, and promotes greater school involvement and work ethic”. (Edwards 7). We want everyone to be involved in all aspects of this world, and with the help of social media it helps get the younger generation involved as younger people tend to be looking at their social media accounts rather than the newspaper or weekly bulletin. I took matters into my own hands and asked teachers with younger adults where they find their news or important topics that are happening. The answer was Social Media. In the book the author did a research trial asking many young adults ages 13-18 why they use social media and here's what they stated “ Using Facebook allows me to stay in contact with my old friends from school. Sometimes we arrange online to link up or go out”.”To meet new friends”. “To get ‘likes’, it makes me feel good about myself and boosts my confidence. I’m quite a shy person really but on Facebook I'm more sociable”.(Edwards 15). “To relax and forget about everyday problems”. (Edwards 17). “If I'm having a bad day or something winds me up I use it to offload.”(Edwards 18). From these responses conducted from the survey taken in the book, it shows that social websites and apps benefit them all. I can relate as I have moved multiple times, and without social media sites I would have not been able to stay in contact with my old friends. Staying connected online leads to people not feeling isolated and able to keep in touch with friends and family. Also in the year 2020, during the Covid lockdowns many people turned to social media to continue their friendships until it was possible and safe to see them again in person. Imagine without these social media sites our younger generations social lives would just rot in our houses locked up. From the research done in this book and my own, unscientific research, it shows the many benefits that come along with social media sites. In the year 2020 and 2021 especially, we have used social media a lot. It's been a way to still communicate when it isn't safe to do so in person.

Social media however, can be unsafe. There are some bad people that try to steal our identity, and younger people are especially targets to hateful crimes. Younger adults tend to be less careful on what they post or what they say and that could come back to bite them. This however should not be a reason why you wouldn't let your young adults have social media because there's always going to be something that's considered unsafe in the world. You can't keep your kids wrapped up in bubble wrap for their whole lives. For example, just walking out on the streets you can get kidnapped, but knowing that risk do you still go out? Most likely you do and this should be the same with social media. Also the reality is that social media itself isn't the problem. It is the way people use it in place of actual communication and in-person socializing. “Friends” on social media may not actually be friends, and may even be strangers but by understanding and teaching the younger generation of what to do correctly, such circumstances can be avoided.

Social media also helps us connect with businesses and schools. Remote learning has become a big thing recently and many kids are struggling with it. With the help of social media, however, students can receive help with extra review or videos about topics they might not be able to understand. They can also connect with their teachers and classmates in order to get the help they need. By using the right strategy, social media can make studying more collaborative and efficient. This is done by creating a community, continuing the conversation , organizing learning resources, and supplementing course materials. Many students tend to struggle with the same concepts and course work. Social media can help centralize the collective knowledge of everyone by making study groups through social media platforms. This continues the efforts of learning opportunities by helping the student advance. Social media also keeps everything organized and in one place for students to use as a beneficial resource. It's a win-win when social media helps strengthen and reinforce core instruction. Businesses are also using social media to promote sales or visibility. Young adults can see what certain jobs are like so they can get a taste for what they might want to pursue as a career. This leads to having better equipped and active citizens in society as they will already have a taste of what's to come. Other ways younger adults can get exposed is by seeing their idols and setting goals and dreams that they want to achieve to be like those they admire. In the book “Social Media Like it or Leave it”, it states that, “Social media is great for connecting personally and professionally. Users do good deeds on social media, engaging people in ways that teach, make connections, help others, and even fight crime.” (Rowell 8). The community uses social media and with the help of our younger generations they can help with things you might not even thought social media could help with including fighting crimes. Promoting activities and other important and big events can help younger people get out of their shells and into the community at a younger age.

Many may say social media is addicting and unhealthy. Long hours looking at screens and staying in the house can damage a child’s development and lead to bad habits. However this is inaccurate because there are other things that are just as bad or worse than social media including video games and sleeping in bed all day. Social media enables you to connect with people throughout the world and can do it from anywhere not just inside a house whereas with video games you can be sitting in one spot all day and not move at all. With all things that are addicting there are ways to stop the urge. Setting restrictions or having a routine are better options than not having social media at all.

Social media also has the powerful capability to help spread God's word! Regardless of what you think of social media, the Church could not have reached as many people with the gospel as it has had with the help of social media. The church has benefited greatly from technology and with this has reached many people who would not have visited a church on an ordinary Sunday. In today's day and age younger adults can help the not so tech savvy church to help get more people in through the use of social media. Many people have also been watching church from home recently or from a remote location. We are still able to come together as a body to spread the word by using these platforms. Imagine without these platforms what we would have done in those months in 2020. How would we have been able to all come together and continue God's word without the use of Social Media capabilities? Also through social media you can help connect someone who may not believe or may have had a different opinion. We as his followers are entitled to spread the word and social media gives us that capability to spread it to almost everyone. Studies, done by churches, have shown that people just don’t feel invited in coming into a new church for the first time. With the power of social media people can get a taste and see that it's an open community and something they actually are interested in coming and joining along with (Tithe). Many churches (including the one I attend) have created digital campuses. With how the world is changing many people are transiting into this digital environment and we need to get our younger generation a part of this so that no matter where they are they can still continue in God’s word and what He is calling us to do and get everyone out of their immediate bubble. Technology cannot be simply rejected, denied, or even mindlessly accepted and used. For your technological usage, you need to do so discerningly, and with an open hand knowing that technology is not the solution to every problem but also know that it is a gateway to share the gospel and do good for others. Technology and social media must be redeemed for the glory of God, your good, and the good of God's people.(Tithe). God doesn't make us wait long as it says in the first words of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” and no matter your views of social media, good or bad, you can't deny or go against everything God has created. Trust in God, not the technology because that comes with blessings whereas technology alone will bring curses.

Social media also helps in disasters. Facebook groups are made in order to get the word out and help bring everyone together to help conquer the disaster. Social media has been used recently including a vital part in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Laura.

Through social media we were able to communicate with people we may have never met but were still able to help impact their lives to help get their feet back on the ground and help in disaster cleanup. This is a great servant opportunity that many younger adults can get a hands on experience taking part of. Without this tool, we would not have the necessary power to help out.

Many may say social media hinders youths' growth of communication in the real world without a screen between them. This is a very true statement. Social media gives people the power to make friends with others who would have never met otherwise. It's key for young adults to still be active in the community and hang out with people when it's safe to do so. However there are times when you just can't be everyone at once. This is where social media is key. People can have multiple conversations at once and boost personal confidence when they believe if they can do it on social media, then they can do it in the real world and in person.

Social media helps build the confidence needed to build relationships and communicate with others.

We have explored the vast benefits social media provides to our younger generations through connecting with others, finding new opportunities, and spreading God’s word. We saw the impacts and benefits it would have on younger adults and the new doors that are opened for them over their peers who may not have the chance of being on social media. So now what do you think of social media? Have you gained a new perspective on what social media really is and the positive impact it has on our young adults? Give social media a chance, like Rob’s parents did and see all the good that will come from it and the opportunities they will receive! Don’t be a Karen like Bob’s parents. Take action and get started today! The younger generation is depending on you! Remember social media can be good as long as you have a reason to be on it in a positive way. I challenge you to take the next step with social media now!

Work Cited:

Rowell, Rebecca. Social Media: like It or Leave It. Compass Point Books, 2015.

Hinton, Sam. Understanding Social Media. 2013.

Edwards, Roger. Benefits of Social Networking Websites for Young People.

“Social Media Benefits for Young People.” Internet Matters,

Top 13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media, s.html.

“The History of Social Media: 29 Key Moments.” Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard, 27 Nov. 2018,,and send messages within networks.

“26 Bible Verses About Technology:” RSS,

“Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth.” Edited by Elana Pearl Ben-Joseph, KidsHealth, The Nemours Foundation, Apr. 2018,

Dalomba, Frances, et al. “Social Media: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.” Lifespan, 3 Feb. 2020,

“Demographics of Social Media Users and Adoption in the United States.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 5 June 2020,

“Social Media and Teenagers.” ReachOut Parents,

Team, Communications. “How Social Media Can Help Students Study.” McGraw Hill, y.html.


Fin de l'extrait de 10 pages

Résumé des informations

Discovering Social Media. Why it’s necessary and why you should be on it
N° de catalogue
ISBN (ebook)
Mots clés
discovering, social, media
Citation du texte
Zach Brandt (Auteur), 2021, Discovering Social Media. Why it’s necessary and why you should be on it, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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