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21. January 2022 • Reading duration: 5 Min

The Most Popular Courses of Study – What Comes After?

The selection of courses of study is seemingly infinite. Which subjects are currently the most popular and what can you do afterwards? We provide an overview.

What to expect:

First things first:

  • Business studies, computer science, law, medicine and psychology are the most popular courses.
  • What all subjects have in common is that they promise secure job prospects.

Never before have students been able to choose from so many degree courses. But this huge selection to choose from can also be overwhelming. To get an overview, you can start by looking at which degree courses are popular with other students. We present the five most popular degree programs from the last couple of years and give you an insight into the job opportunities they offer.

Business administration

The undisputed winner and absolute “classic” has long been business studies. One important aspect that speaks in favor of studying business administration is its versatility. There are many different paths, both during and after your studies. How about a career in marketing, management or insurance? You can choose these and other specializations at universities and universities of applied sciences and open up corresponding job opportunities. However, the job market can vary considerably in the individual areas. While some sectors are keen to attract applicants, in others you have to show a lot of initiative and pave your own way with internships and practical experience. Pay can also vary greatly. Nevertheless, a business administration degree is a good foundation for building a career in business

Computer Science

The future lies in the digital world and computer scientists have a key role to play in this. It is therefore hardly surprising that around 134,000 students opted to study computer science in the 2020/21 winter semester. Virtually nothing works today without computer science, so there are many doors open to you. After graduating, you can work in development and research, program or in the field of data processing, for example. When choosing a career, you are not tied to specific companies or institutions, but can start almost anywhere. Your skills are in demand in many places. However, you should be aware that, depending on the field, you will spend most of your time working with computers and less with other people. It is now even common in many places for you to work completely from home and therefore have little contact with your colleagues. So consider in advance whether this way of working suits you.


Are you dreaming of a career as a lawyer, notary or judge? Then you’re in for a time-consuming yet very popular course of study. Studying law takes a long time and involves a lot of theory and hours of studying legal texts. However, if you enjoy familiarizing yourself with complex issues and study hard, you will do well here. After completing your studies, you can work in various areas that have to do with law in different ways. Whether in a company, a law firm or in the public sector is up to you. If you study law, you can hope for a secure and well-paid job with a good reputation. Depending on the specialization, however, very good grades are required.


Just like law, studying medicine is not easy. Even the admission restrictions pose problems for many young people. The course itself is very long and the learning effort is high. The time as an assistant directly after graduation is also associated with long (shift) work and a high level of responsibility. Nevertheless, 102,000 students studied medicine in the 2020/21 winter semester. One reason for this is certainly the high reputation and the prospect of a well-paid job. Just as important, however, is the prospect of a meaningful profession, which many see as a vocation and in which you can help people and, in the best case, heal them. For example, you can work in research or in a hospital or set up your own practice. You also have the opportunity to specialize in a particular field and work as a medical specialist.


While medical staff mainly deal with the body, psychologists take care of people’s psyche. This profession can also help and heal. The study of psychology is very diverse, which is probably why it is so popular. From economic, legal, family and social psychology to clinical psychology, everything is covered. During your studies, you will learn the important basics of research and can then focus on specific areas that interest you. After graduating, you can work in the economic or social sector, for example, and the potential employers are very diverse. But be careful! If you want to become a psychotherapist, you have a rocky road ahead of you. Although a new reform means that you will automatically receive a license to practice with your Master’s degree, the path to (your own) practice is long and involves many costs.

Why these five in particular?

The advantages of the top five degree programs are different, but they all have one thing in common: they are followed by a secure job. And security still seems to be very important for young people in our complex and fast-moving times. None of the degree courses are new, rather they are classics that have been popular for a long time. Although the content of the respective fields is constantly changing due to innovations and changes in the world of work, the basic framework remains the same. And the career paths you can take afterwards have not changed too much in recent years. All of the areas targeted by the five subjects are essential for our society: business, digitalization, law and the care of body and mind. Accordingly, the degree courses will probably never go out of fashion, just like the professions that are possible afterwards. However, there is no absolute certainty: job opportunities, salaries and the time and effort required to get a job vary greatly depending on which field you choose. Nevertheless, each of the five degree courses offers a solid foundation for your future career.

Would you like to know what students of the most popular subjects write their term papers about? Then take a look at our catalogue and get to know the different courses:

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