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13. March 2024 • Reading duration: 6 Min

Premium Services – 3 Tips for Optimizing your Book

Here, we will show you how to get the best out of your text with our premium services. From cover to layout to spelling.

Publishing your text on GRIN is completely free of charge. However, you also have the chance to make your work stand out with our affordable Premium Services. We can help you design your own cover, format your text, check your spelling and grammar and write successful marketing texts.

You can customize all these services and tailor them to your needs. In this article, we will show you three tried and tested ways of combining our options.

What awaits you:

Truly Eye-Catching: Appealing Covers Combined with a High-Quality Layout

A lot of time and effort goes into writing academic papers, especially theses. At GRIN, we want to support you in sharing your findings with interested readers. You provide the content – and with our layout services, we make sure that your text is visually appealing.

For all those who are not so familiar with the extensive possibilities of writing programs such as Microsoft Word, our base layout (from 1 euro per page) offers useful features such as automatic indexes, page numbers and footnotes. We set your text in a justified format, check paragraphs and headings and give everything a uniform shape. The important thing is: We stay in close contact with you and will not publish anything that you have not approved.

Of course, the cover is also part of the visual appearance of a book. With a cover individually designed for you, you can be sure that your paper stands out from our other books in online stores at a first glance. Do you already have an image in mind that you could imagine as a cover for your paper? Then our base cover (99 euros) is the thing for you: Just send us your photo or desired motif and we will then create several cover designs for you to choose from.

Examples of our Base Covers:

KI-Chatbots im Unterricht. Grundlagen und schulische Dimensionen in pädagogisch-didaktischer Perspektive

KI-Chatbots im Unterricht. Grundlagen und schulische Dimensionen in pädagogisch-didaktischer Perspektive

12.99 €

Einführung in eine Didaktik des Euro für die Sekundarstufe II

Einführung in eine Didaktik des Euro für die Sekundarstufe II

24.99 €

Jesus Zeit. Faszinationen über das Evangelium nach Johannes

Jesus Zeit. Faszinationen über das Evangelium nach Johannes

14.99 €

Latinum non olet!

Latinum non olet!

17.99 €

Gender Gap der hörbehinderten Frauen

Gender Gap der hörbehinderten Frauen

29.99 €

Chante avec moi

Chante avec moi

12.99 €

Collaboration in Cross-cultural Virtual Teams

Collaboration in Cross-cultural Virtual Teams

24.99 €

Do you only have vague ideas of a cover so far or would you even prefer to be surprised? Our graphics team has already designed attractive covers for over 2,500 GRIN books and has a lot of experience in selecting suitable motifs. With our plus cover service (149 euros), you can sit back and leave the concept, image selection and design entirely to us. You are then able to choose your cover from several designs.

Get an impression of the variety of our individual covers on our Pinterest page!

Examples of our Plus Covers:

Christoph Harants Reise nach Ägypten 1598. Beschreibung eines Monstrums

Christoph Harants Reise nach Ägypten 1598. Beschreibung eines Monstrums

15.99 €

Die Wiege der Forensik. Mord und Tod im alten China

Die Wiege der Forensik. Mord und Tod im alten China

36.99 €

Didaktik des Geldes. Das Thema Geld im Schulunterricht der Sekundarstufe II

Didaktik des Geldes. Das Thema Geld im Schulunterricht der Sekundarstufe II

36.99 €

Islamic Banking. Grundlagen, Instrumente und Potenziale

Islamic Banking. Grundlagen, Instrumente und Potenziale

36.99 €

A Verbal Odyssey. Learning Maltese as a foreign adult

A Verbal Odyssey. Learning Maltese as a foreign adult

39.99 €

Unterrichtsplanung der Lehrveranstaltung „Gesundheitsförderung“ für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeberufe

Unterrichtsplanung der Lehrveranstaltung „Gesundheitsförderung“ für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeberufe

15.99 €

Der Lernkulturwandel als Chance zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen. Wie Ermöglichungsdidaktik und Lerncoaching die Methodenkompetenz im Unterricht stärken

Der Lernkulturwandel als Chance zum selbstgesteuerten Lernen. Wie Ermöglichungsdidaktik und Lerncoaching die Methodenkompetenz im Unterricht stärken

39.99 €

Many of our authors like to use the opportunity to gift their own books to family and friends. With a beautiful cover and an appealing layout, the printed book looks even more valuable and becomes a real eye-catcher on any bookshelf.

A Head Start on Marketing: Cover and Press Release

You can get a head start on your marketing presence with our Package S (249 euros). We will create a professional cover for you and send out a press release to up to 250 press portals, blogs and news services after publication. This way, your text will stand out in our online stores. Also, our experienced editorial team will write a press release that makes your topic accessible to the general public in clear and understandable language. Our press releases are aimed at print and online editors, freelance journalists and anyone interested in reading or reviewing your book.

For this reason, this service is particularly suitable for texts on current topics, social issues, studies from the social or educational field or economic topics – in other words, for all those questions that affect many readers in their everyday lives and which they discuss frequently. Pick up your readership with our help and a suitable cover! As soon as we have created the basis for your marketing presence together, we will provide you with further valuable tips for successful self-marketing in our marketing guide.

Making Everything Correct: Spelling and Grammar Check with our Proofreading Service

Not sure if all the commas are in the right places or simply feel better if your text has undergone professional correction (from 3 euros per page) before you publish it? Our experienced proofreaders will check your work for spelling and grammar, pay attention to frequent spelling mistakes (such as “your”/ “you’re” or “affect”/”effect”) and also give you suggestions for gender-inclusive language. If we notice any inconsistencies (e.g. where an explanation or rewording on your part would be desirable), we will leave comments for you, but will of course not make any additions or deletions without your consent.

Alternatively, you can also opt for a simple reading service (from 4 euros per page) where we will improve your spelling and grammar as well as phrasing and sentence structure. This not only gives your work a professional polish, but also makes it easier to read. However: Please don’t confuse our editing service with the editing that is carried out on novels: We do not check your work for content errors, as we assume that it has already been sufficiently reviewed by supervisors at your university.

By the way: In combination with proofreading and editing, we offer a base layout to give your thoroughly corrected text a uniform formatting.

Did you know that…

  • the design of a custom cover is by far the most popular premium service?
  • most of our services are booked in October and November?
  • you can inspire your readers’ curiosity with a creative cover?
  • you can also increase the professional appearance and uniqueness of your text with an individually designed cover?
  • your own book makes a great gift for your family and friends and can be combined with a thank you to everyone who helped you with research and proofreading?

You can find more information about our Premium Services here:

Or simply send us an email at premium@grin.com – our team will be happy to advise you!

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