Research & Buy
Research & Buy

Your academic work has been written and submitted – and now what? Don’t let your paper, term paper, bachelor thesis, etc. gather dust on your hard drive and upload your texts to GRIN now! We publish and sell your academic work as an e-book and book. You benefit from high royalties on every sale.

Upload, choose a royalty option, sit back: Publishing a text on GRIN is quick and easy.

  1. Register for free and
    an academic text (ideally as a Word or PDF file). Here you will find our recommendations on the content and form of your text.
  2. Choose a royalty option: At GRIN, you can earn money on every sale, receive a guaranteed one-time fee or publish open access. Choose one of the three – we’ll do the rest!
  3. Lean back: We create your e-book and book, each with its own ISBN, equip your publication with a cover and publish your text in our online shop and worldwide distribution network.

This is how much you earn with your publication on GRIN

Royalties from e-book sales

You can find more information about royalties and billing on our website.

  • 30%
  • / / 30%
  • Amazon Kindle, iBook Store, Google Play, Ciando, Pubbles, Libri, Genios, Other Distributors 15%
  • Fee bonus through affiliate links +5%

Fee on book sales

  • 15%
  • / / 15%
  • Via Books on Demand / Wholesale 15%
  • About Amazon Marketplace 10%
  • Fee bonus through affiliate links +5%

Scientists and students use our online shop for research

students conduct research with GRIN on a daily basis

Published by Germany’s largest provider of academic texts

We offer …

  • more than 245,000 eBooks & Books
  • Knowledge from over 100 specialist areas
  • 20 years of publishing experience

And most importantly, we publish the texts of over 85,000 satisfied authors.

Your texts online at ...

Passive income: How to benefit from your household chores

During your studies, you write many essays, term papers and theses. You also do a lot of research work, close research gaps or find new perspectives on relevant topics. GRIN offers you the chance to share your knowledge and be fairly rewarded for it. Uploading your texts is free and only takes a few minutes. The editorial team then takes care of the publication. You can sit back and profit from every sale of your e-book or paperback. Thus, the publication at GRIN is a prime example of how you can earn money passively during your studies: work once (which you have to do anyway to pass your studies) and then wait for the income! You won’t make a fortune here, but you may be able to afford a pizza or a trip to the movies. And your earnings may still be coming in months or years after the upload, if a customer decides to buy your book. You wouldn’t be the first person to benefit from GRIN for a long time.

Questions and Answers
for publication at GRIN

What is the probability that my text will sell?

More than 52,000 students do research with GRIN every day. Therefore, there is a very high probability that someone from your area of study is looking for a paper on your specific topic! This is also proven by our statistics: 93% of the texts are sold.

GRIN means academic publishing without a catch

The publication is completely free of charge for you as an author. We will publish your text as an e-book and book, each with its own ISBN. In addition to our own webshop, your publication will be listed worldwide in over 300 online shops as well as the major search engines. The printed book can be ordered at any local bookstore.

Is publishing worth it for me?

Yes, it’s worth publishing! Here’s why:

  • You choose your preferred royalty option: royalties, a one-time payment or open access publication
  • There are no follow-up costs
  • We make your publication visible – in online shops and bookstores worldwide
  • If you opt for the royalty option, you will receive a fair fee of up to 35% on your sales. In total, GRIN has distributed over 8 million euros in fees so far!

I would like to publish my work, but I don’t want my name to appear.

No problem! At GRIN, you can decide if you want to publish under your real name, a name of your choice or completely anonymously for each uploaded text, individually.