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Zum Warenkorb

Have you written a lot of case studies during your university degree? A case study is an in-depth study, created during a process of research and usually concerning a singular situation or specific group of people. It documents the development of the object in question and includes the analysis and discussion of the respective findings. Upload your case studies to GRIN, share your findings with others and even earn money in the process. Uploading is fast, free, and straightforward. Upload your case study in just 5 minutes and we’ll do the rest for you. You can choose to profit off of every sale of your case study or to receive a one-time guaranteed 10 euros per text.

No matter how small and specific your course of study is, we publish case studies from all disciplines. 98% of all texts in our GRIN shop sell successfully.

Your advantages with GRIN

Become an author in just 5 minutes

Publish your texts worldwide with an ISBN

Publish your papers quickly and benefit from them continuously. We sell your e-book and physical book in hundreds of online shops and bookstores online or on site.

Three easy steps to publish your paper

Upload, choose your royalty option – we’ll take care of the rest

Don't let your papers gather dust in a drawer, but easily earn money with them! At GRIN, you get a professional publication service.

Your knowledge pays off

Publish your texts for free and earn money

At GRIN, you publish your academic texts completely free of charge and at the same time receive a high author's fee for every sale.

More than 20 years of publishing experience

Publish with the pro for scientific publishing!

GRIN is one of the leading platforms in providing academic texts and a pioneer on the digital book market. Benefit from our expertise and many years of experience.

Your e-book and physical book with your own ISBN

Professional and worldwide publication

At GRIN, your texts are published as professional e-books and high-quality paperbacks with their own ISBN.

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