Multi-Dimensional Geometric Progression

Forschungsarbeit, 2020

81 Seiten, Note: 9.6

Inhaltsangabe oder Einleitung

In present book the concepts of geometric progressions and its related sub-topics have been extended keeping in view the vital role of geometric progressions and series in many research areas. The extension of the geometric progression has been named as Multi-dimensional geometric Progression with Multiplicity.

In first chapter some results and properties have been discussed for traditional geometric progression, which can be called one dimensional geometric progression with multiplicity one. In chapter two and three two dimensional geometric progressions with multiplicities one and two have been explained. In chapter four to six three dimensional geometric progressions with multiplicities one to three have been discussed.

In chapter seven R-dimensional geometric progressions with multiplicity one has been discussed, which can be considered as the superset of all geometric progressions having any number of common ratios with multiplicity one. In chapter eight some scope of further extension has been discussed for new scholars and researchers.

The book ends with the references from where some help have been taken in preparing the book including my published research papers and research book on multi-dimensional arithmetic progressions.


Multi-Dimensional Geometric Progression
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
The content of this book is a collection of my unpublished research works on progression, although some of the results discussed in the book have been communicated for publication in research journals. This is the parallel extension of geometric progression of my published research book entitled Multi-dimensional Arithmetic Progression by Grin Verlag Publishing, Germany in March, 2020. The wide applications of both arithmetic and geometric progressions inspired me to extend the ideas for multi-dimensional progressions with multiplicity concepts during my graduate and post graduate courses.
geometric, multi-dimensional, progression
Arbeit zitieren
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Yadav (Autor:in), 2020, Multi-Dimensional Geometric Progression, München, GRIN Verlag,


  • In present book the concepts of geometric progressions and its related sub-topics have been extended keeping in view the vital role of geometric progressions and series in many research areas. The extension of the geometric progression has been named as Multi-dimensional geometric Progression with Multiplicity. All the chapters discussed in the book are unpublished works of my student's life from 1995 to 2001.

Titel: Multi-Dimensional Geometric Progression

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