The impact of internal organizational communication on the employee communication system

Travail de Recherche, 2019

22 Pages



1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Background, Objectives and Significance of the study
1.3 Outline of the Study
1.4 Definitions

2 Literature Review
2.1 Research Hypotheses

3 Research Methods
3.1 Method of Data Collection
3.2 Sampling Technique
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Instrument of Data Collection
3.4.1 Validity and reliability test
3.5 Research Model Developed
3.6 Statistical Technique

4 Result
4.1 Finding and Interpretations of the Results
4.2 Hypothesis(es) Assessment Summary

5 Discussions, Conclusion, Policy Implications and Future Research
5.1 Discussions
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Policy Implications
5.4 Future research



Communication process assumes an imperative part in the advancement of any organization. It is most imperative to effectively communicate. There are loads of advantages behind successfully communicate like to improve work profitability, organizational communication can encourage sharing of information, it can likewise support in arranging, to keep up order in the organization and to build general productivity of the organization that all advantages would be attractive when employee effectively communicate. The hypotheses which are cover on my research are top to down communication, down to top communication, horizontal communication and employee communication system. According to my research it is proved through primary data and was conducted with 150 employees of different companies. The statistical technique which is use in my research is multiple linear regressions. The hypothesis of top to down communication and horizontal communication are accepted and down to top communication is rejected. Hence, it is proved that employee communication have a positive effect on top to down communication and horizontal communication.

1 Introduction

Communication assumes a very critical part in the development of any organization. It is most important to effectively communicate. Linke and Zerfass (2011) states that communication science offers broad knowledge into the field of inside communication. There are lots of benefits behind effectively communicate like to enhance work productivity, organizational communication it can facilitate sharing of information, it can also help to support in planning, to maintain discipline in the organization and to increase overall efficiency of the organization that all benefits would be accommodating when employee effectively communicate. Harshman and Harshman (1999) states that Organizational Communication is around the basic capacities experiencing significant change and is one of the regions for which underlying qualities is discriminating. Inherent in the relationship between an association and its laborers is a moral extent which influences the substance and structure of the association's formal and casual internal communication. In the organization employee communication system are based on two things internal communication system and external communication but this thesis is about based on totally internal communication system in the organization.

Semegine (2012) Investigate that the strong internal communication system should be showed well reputed enterprise. Internal communication is connectivity in the organization that is formal and informal communication. Formal communication is between mangers and employee (top to downwards and bottom to upward) and informal communication is between employee to employee (horizontal communications).

This research which going to conduct employee communication that how employee is going to satisfy with their vertical communication (formal). This negative vertical communication was affect employee productivity, employee morale and so other factors. According to my research show that employee is not going to fully satisfy which their upward communication system.

It has been found by Jackson and Welch (2007) that poor communication in the organization is affect the inefficiency, low productivity and so on it was show full view on literature of review. When the internally communication is constantly going up to the mark the level of employee satisfaction towards vertical communication is going effective.

Investigate that critical characteristic to the accomplishment of hierarchical supportable advancement furthermore budgetary execution correspondence viability was a guaranteeing point in the fields of hierarchical practices, business administration, and correspondence counseling lately.

1.1 Problem Statement

To study the impact of internal organizational communication on employee communication system.

1.2 Background, Objectives and Significance of the study

This research was undertaken in the ground of management to explore the impact of Internal Organization Communication which is sub-variant into three variables (Top to downward communication, down to top and horizontal) on Employee Communication System. The key purpose of this study is to discover out those factors that have a positive effect on employee communication system. Out of that three explanatory variables two of them (Top to downward and Horizontal communication) have a positive effect on employee communication system. This research is successful for all the HR hunters and managers who want their intellectual to learn about the communication.

1.3 Outline of the Study

Previous chapter comprises of the summary of variables, that defines the reason for this research and as well as the benefits of this research. This chapter also describes the proposed hypothesis as well as the definition of words used in the research. Literature review is the second chapter. In this section, various literatures relevant to the employee communication system and internal organization with their sub variables analyzed and viewed. Chapter three of this research is based on the method. This has provided brief details on the methods of data collection, which is based on questionnaires and the sample size is 150.Chapter four includes the results, Findings and interpretation of the research which shows the relationships between variables studied in this research. Finally, last chapter includes assumption, recommendation, suggestions and possible methods for upcoming research.

1.4 Definitions

1.4.1 Top to Down Communication. Data, messages and emails flow downward through an organization's formal hierarchy of leadership.

1.4.2 Down to Top Communication. (From employees to management) gives data, information about worker needs, values, recognition and sentiments.

1.4.3 Horizontal Communication. Includes persons at the same level of the organization. Horizontal communication includes planning data and permits individuals with the same or comparable rank in an organization to participate or team up.

1.4.4 Employee Communication System. The communication system is a standout amongst the most vital tools of leadership. Most managers have various channels that they use all the time e.g. weekly meetings, emails, telephone conferences, memos etc. By organize the system properly was improve the efficiency of your communication.

2 Literature Review

Communication contributes a lot in the success of any organization. Effective communication makes difference between successful organization and failure organization. Intact communication plays role in product advancement, client relations, employee administration- practically every aspect of business opera. Employees are key assets of organization because they frequently serve as the conductor to different crowds. Effective communication is bases for all organization this starts with the effective skills in communication, incorporating essential abilities in tuning in, talking, addressing and sharing input.

New organizations nowadays depend for their success on communications, communication with clients, patrons, accomplices and different partners. A good communication system in an organization builds profitability, decreases worker turnover and enhances office environment. It has been considered as a process through people offer significance; it proposed the method for making then actualizing interactive fluctuations together inside then outside of organization (Asif & Sargeant, 2000). Organizations that join higher significance to internal communication are recognized not larger stages of workers commitments (Kamalanabhan, 2012). At the point when communication with others is the favored alternative, it is (and must be) multi-directional and involves talking, listening and reflection. The last part is one that administrators must take part in for the procedures and results of the correspondence to be powerful (that is, to have both import in and efficiency for the library). While communication is touted as imperative in associations, numerous chiefs assume that it is a totally regular activity that obliges no reflection and little suggestion of the view of others. The reason here is to give a careful going examination of the full substance of human piece of communication by method for the utilization of phenomenology to the procedures and results of correspondence. As was get to be obvious, powerful correspondence puts a weight on everybody in the organization, however one that must be borne if the library is to accomplish its objectives and targets. Conceivable outcomes were investigated, and one potential inclination was portrayed in point of interest (Budd & velasquez, 2014).

Communication plays his role in the organization to builds relationships among colleague, together on a professional and community stages. Through communication make it easy for workers to defined their opinions; It is the most ideal method for building solid connections taking into account shared trust and admiration, through a progressing, symmetrical dialog (Paul, 2006). It saves workers from feeling parted, forms teamwork, and then made an additional shared environment in the workstation. By the time once connections are compacted, workers are better prepared to faith on every employee and work more effectively in teams and individual stages. Whether a manager or regular staff at the organization, the better you impart, the better living up to expectations connections. (Rodwell, Kienzle, & Shadur, 1998) propose that HR experts as being in a place to boost the movement of data all through the groups.

These days, organizations are intensely centered on how to best draw in their outer group of on looker’s clients, financial specialists, media, experts and group individuals. Accordingly, communication with their most essential voting demographic, workers frequently goes disregarded. High-performing organizations make worker interchanges a need. Researcher realized a connection with workforce ads to the organization's prosperity. Employees get to be locked in when researcher comprehend the organization's central principals and partake in its main goal, vision and qualities.

One way communication is discouraged by the organization these days. Employees feel "listened to" have improved sentiments of trust. There are numerous approaches to encourage two-way communication including up close and personal gatherings, intuitive feature interviews, worker studies, Q&A includes on the employees intranet, and mysterious recommendations through suggestion boxes. Employees altogether impact the result of any project. Effective employee communication permits everybody to stay informed and move in the direction of shared hierarchical objectives. It keeps representatives drew in and enthusiastic to add to the organization's prosperity.

The term directorial structure alludes to the properly endorsed example of connections obtainable linking different part of an association. (Vuuren, de Jong, and Seydel, 2007) says that mind boggling and nonstop process through which authoritative individuals make, keep up, and change the organization. Supervisors have a focal part in this procedure have a position to give a greater image of the organization, the earth, contending qualities and inclinations of partners to other organization individuals. An organization structure normally is depicted utilizing a graph, known as a hierarchical diagram. Such charts give realistic demonstration of the proper example of communication. Corporation chat might be compared to an X-beam demonstrating the organization structure, a layout of the arranged, official associations between people from different divisions or levels (Philip & Kitchen, 2002).

Presented the part of communication official for the senior-level corporate interchanges officer assumes a dynamic part at the choice making table and reports specifically to the organization’s most senior administration. Internal communication along these lines assumes a focal part in an imaginative and creative business on the grounds that, "in a formal organizational setting, purposeful development requires propelled people. Organization individuals was must to contribute time and push to the advancement of inventive thoughts" (Zerfass, 2011).

The most imperative point of the inside communication capacity is the configuration of its society. That was essential to us that individuals comprehended the lengthy haul guide in light of the fact that it gave connection for the greater choices". At the point while workers started to utilize it, researcher realized that genuinely disguised the message and it had an effect on their practices".

Communication within the organization is explained as the information stream with individuals inside of the limits of an organization. Many people underscore that flourishing internal communication is an important for an optimistic external commercial image (Gianluca, 2014). Interestingly, definitions and exchange concerning internal communication don't possess large amounts of either the scholastic or specialist writing, however the capacity is broadly talked about under the heading of employee communication. Communication within the organization can be considered only one among numerous conceivable answers for be utilized to build responsibility, however not alone. Specifically, internal communication is by all accounts especially suitable to produce assumed that is the establishment whereupon to construct conferred practices. Trust is produced by genuine sentiments of good communication amongst representatives; including senior officers. Internal communication goes about as a lever to create worker trust connections. Trust is at the focal point of the triadic relationship (correspondence, trust and duty), while responsibility is the deciding result of such relationship. Formation of an association ought to accommodate communication in different distinctive direction: top to down, down to top, and horizontal. Organizational formation impact communication design bounded by organization. Different communication levels are top to down, down to top, and on a horizontal. Top to down communication comprise of approaches, morality, and methods that drop out of top organization to junior levels. Down to top communication comprises of the stream of implementation information, criticisms, and additional data from junior to senior level. Horizontal communication is mostly in flanked by offices or divisions on the same hierarchy. Outer communication flow among staff within the organization and a multiplicity of buddy’s outer surface of the organization. Within the corporation’s communication practices comprise of the occupied range of exercises, together official and casual, Different people attempted for motivation behind spreading data to one or more groups of onlookers inside of the group. This overall yet extensive meaning is important to precisely mirror the genuine environment and broadness of such performs. Communication within the organization grooms might remain attempted with the end goal of descending, level, or upward communication and may be started by anybody inside of the organization. Be that as it may, it remains the obligation of administration to guarantee that a successful and effective internal communication framework is set up in order to guarantee that all workers are furnished with convenient, critical, and important data(Carrie`re & Bourque, 2009).

Happen when information and messages dataflow down in organization's senior levels of management. It were, information and messages decided by the senior management of the association and through towards the junior level.

Canary (2011) proposed some general points for top to down communication.

Impart new systems that give data about particular task and decidable practices that provide guidance for junior levels. Fresh change order is no doubt. Researcher has to improve the nature, understudy knowledge on the off chance to succeed."

These are orders on the best way to do a particular assignment what's more, how the occupation identifies with different exercises in the association. Now need to facilitate individual and departmental targets with association wide objectives. Researcher frequently ignores to give sufficient of this sort of data, abandoning toward the single employees part to obtain the master plan.

That were the information characterizing corporations policy, system, convention, benefits, and auxiliary courses of action keeping in mind the end goal toward a few degree of consistency in association rehearses. In the association, information is delivered to workers through different channels like policies manuals,

Area development information, singular execution examinations, plus different means are utilized so the purpose is to discuss divisions and people regarding their performance concerning execution gauges and objectives. Case in point: "Mary, your work on the work station has extraordinarily enhanced the proficiency of our specialty."

Every association tries to rouse employee’s individuals that to receive establishment's main goal apart from that social qualities and to take an interest in unique functions, therefore hangout etc. That is the endeavor in a direction toobtain a pledge, or solidarity of bearing between workers and individuals.

Down to top communication is the procedure of data spilling out of junior positions of a chain to the senior positions. Communication of this kind is turning out to be better known in organizations as conventional types of communication are turning out to be less prevalent.

Different sorts of information convey down to top in organization (Canary, 2011).

These messages depict major issues and exemptions to routine execution with a specific end goal so that colleagues were prepared for challenges.

These messages and opinions are for enhancing target oriented plans so that it would contribute a lot to excellence and ability of association individuals.

The grievance system is moved down by the vicinity of an aggregate dealing understanding, organization individuals are significantly more urged to express genuine emotions.

These messages relate to expenses, debt claims, enthusiasm on speculations, charge duties, and different subject of enthusiasm in the slot, focal organization head. Even correspondence alludes to the stream of messages crosswise over useful ranges on the same level of an association. Successful utilization of flat correspondence in the work environment can upgrade profitability by making data sharing, critical thinking, coordinated effort, and clash determination more effective.

Down to top and top to down communication streams for the most part take after the formal order inside of the organization. On the other hand, extra famous size and versatile environment of corporations expand the prerequisite for communication along the side. That is eluded even in communication. That practices are educational too, however in an alternate manner than top to down and down to top communication. Data is basically for management to entwine exercises inside or crosswise over offices on solitary grounds or inside of divisions in wide hierarchical framework. This communication can be categorized different classes (Canary, 2011).

Information among the individuals from similar office or division in a hierarchical framework and concern undertaking achievement.

Departmental management encourage the achievement of dual activities and errands an office and units according to hierarchical framework.

Information and messages goes to authorities in educational ranges, fund, and PC administration and to lower stages director were looking forward for assist in these zones regularly.

During a nutshell, parallel communication flows to improve management among all levels. It allows a parallel or corner to corner stream of data and information, numerous organizations fabricate in horizontal communication as teams, advisory groups, contact work force, or framework to encourage discussions.

2.1 Research Hypotheses

H1: Top to downward communication has a positive impact on employee communication system.

H2: Down to top communication has a positive impact on employee communication system.

H3: Horizontal communication has a positive impact on employee communication system.

3 Research Methods

3.1 Method of Data Collection

The planning for gathering information in this research depended on an individual reviewing method. Respondents were actually reached for the collection of information. Information was gathered by reaching the respondents, mailing them surveys, making an online poll and meeting them up personally.

3.2 Sampling Technique

An Un-restricted non-probability sampling technique was utilized for the collection of information. Respondents were reached with no preference. Non-probability based sampling are drawn at the convenience of the specialist (based on factors such as location, for example, area, time, etc). 150 representatives working in FMCG's, telecom, electrical, pharmaceutical and insurance sectors were requested to fill the questionnaire.

3.3 Sample Size

The population for this subject is base and work in Pakistan. By study requirement there were 150 sample sizes, as there are limitless of all shapes and sizes organizations in Pakistan.

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection

Gather records with the help of questionnaire. Close ended questions were asked. Because close ended questions can be measured and then statistically studied.

3.4.1 Validity and reliability test

Table 3.1 Reliability Statistics

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Reliability test shows the value of 0.803 which is above the standard 0.6 which means that data is reliable and filled by the actual respondents itself.

3.5 Research Model Developed

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Figure 3.1 self developed Model

3.6 Statistical Technique

Multiple Linear regressions MLR are the statistical technique used in research. The software was used SPSS to run data of research.

4 Result

4.1 Finding and Interpretations of the Results

Analyzing the relationship between the explanatory variables (Downward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication) and response variable (Employee Communication System), that among these explanatory variables which variable have an impact in the response variable that is employee communication system. For this purpose, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) has been used to find out the impact on the response variable. The findings of the result are as follows:

Table 4.1 Case Processing Summary

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a. List wise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Table 4.2 Model Summary

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a. Predictors: Constant), Horizontal_Communication, Downward_Communication, Upward_Communication

Multiple linear regression (MLR) has been conducted to identify the relation between employee communication system and various potential predictors. Multiple regression model with all three predictors (Downward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication) produced Adjusted R2 = 0.215 shows weak determination of Model. Adjusted R-square measure how close the data is fitted in the model regression line and equation. It is the percentage of the response variable (employee communication system) that is explained by the explanatory variables or independent variables in this model which is 21.5%. The R in this table is the multiple correlation co-efficient shows the measure of the quality prediction of the dependent variables, the value of R 0.481 is a moderate level of prediction.

Table 4.4ANOVAb

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a. Predictors: (Constant), Horizontal_Communication, Downward_Communication, Upward_Communication

b. Dependent Variable: Employee_Communication_System

In this table, we check the significant value which must be less than 0.05. Here, the significant value is not more than 0.05 which shows that the model is significant.

Table 4.4 Coefficientsa

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a. Dependent Variable: Employee Communication System

In this table we check the significant value of all three independent variable individually. In the first independent variable value is less than .05 which shows this is a significant. Similarly the variable is insignificant and the value is greater than.05 and in the end same as first variable the value of last variable is significant and less than .05. H1 and H3 have been accepted and H2 is rejected.

4.2 Hypothesis(es) Assessment Summary

Table 4. 9Hypothesis (es) Assessment Summary

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5 Discussions, Conclusion, Policy Implications and Future Research

5.1 Discussions

The research leads up to many matters to be discussed. It was studied that it is not necessary that if the hypothesis of the research are accepted, then it must be considered as a good research and vice versa. Effective employee communication being an extensive issue for organization and also a challenging task for managers to implement the best strategy regarding communication in the organization. Continuous improvement in the communication system was lead organization to the higher level because the better the employee communicate internal or external it makes good impact on the clients. So, HR practices needs to be revived with the time using proactive approach by anticipating and adopting changes at the work place.

5.2 Conclusion

According to this research that is conducted on 150 employees working in different industries, it was concluded that there is positive impact of two variables downward and horizontal on employee communication system. The one hypothesis proposed was rejected. This shows that there may be other factors which could have impact on the employee communication system but according to the results upward communication does not have positive impact on employee communication system.

5.3 Policy Implications

HR managers have to work hard on the employee communication structures of the firms to revive the best possible option for the firm. Downward and horizontal communication is a good fit for the companies as per research shows a positive impact for both in the results. Further it depend upon the nature of the business or organization to select the communication strategy because in some organization require ordering like they needs suggestion or task from the sources in power and in some it required horizontal as well because mutual understanding plays a vital role for effectiveness of communication.

5.4 Future research

Many suggestions and recommendation would be applied to contribute more in the field of research in order to find more authentic results. Would include broader area for asking questions not only related to the Downward, upwards and horizontal communication but also related to age, marital status, education level, performance, social groups and other individual and firm based factors that will influence employee communication within the organization should also ask in the research apart from previous questions related to variables. This may result in to more refine answers.

Future research regarding this topic can be performed with broader sense that what are the factors on which downward communication best fit for the organization and same as what are the conditions which suits to the upward and same as horizontal communication.


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Fin de l'extrait de 22 pages

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The impact of internal organizational communication on the employee communication system
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Citation du texte
Atif Suleman (Auteur), 2019, The impact of internal organizational communication on the employee communication system, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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