Green growth vs. economic development with pollution. Throw-away society vs. sustainability

The role of the customer in the context of sustainability, consumption and waste reduction

Term Paper (Advanced seminar), 2016

57 Pages, Grade: 1,3


Table of Content

List of Abbreviations

List of Figures

1 General Insights in throw-away society and sustainability

2 Waste of Clothing
2.1 What is fair fashion?
2.2 Lifecycle of a cotton textile
2.3 Responsibility of the fashion industry
2.3.1 Ecological
2.3.2 Health and ethical
2.3.3 The sustainable lifecycle of a cotton textile – a solution
2.4 Responsibility of the consumer
2.5 Conclusion – What can be changed

3 Organic food as a solution for sustainable nutrition
3.1 Definition of organic food
3.2 Chances and risks of sustainable nutrition and organic food
3.3 Consumers’ motivation for buying organic food
3.4 Recommendations given by BCFN (Barilla Center for food & nutrition)
3.5 Conclusion and recommendations

4 Washing
4.1 Detergents – harmful to the environment
4.2 Detergents – historical background and legal specifications
4.3 Environmental responsibilities of companies
4.3.1 Product types
4.3.2 Protection of resources
4.3.3 Water management
4.3.4 Worth from waste
4.3.5 Social responsibilities
4.4 Environmental responsibilities of consumers
4.4.1 Washing at low temperatures but long washing times
4.4.2 Loading the washing machine right
4.4.3 Right dosage of detergent
4.4.4 Labels of environmental friendly products
4.5 Conclusion

5 General insights in waste of clothing, food and e-waste
5.1 Waste of Clothing
5.1.1 Reasons for disposal
5.1.2 Ways to reduce waste
5.2 Waste of Food
5.2.1 Reasons for disposal
5.2.2 Ways to reduce waste
5.3 Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
5.3.1 Reasons for disposal
5.3.2 Ways to reduce waste

6 Limitations

7 Implications and future research

Excerpt out of 57 pages


Green growth vs. economic development with pollution. Throw-away society vs. sustainability
The role of the customer in the context of sustainability, consumption and waste reduction
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
1911 KB
Environment, Global Economics, pollution, economics, nature, BWL, Wegwerfgesellschaft, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, sustainability
Quote paper
Markus Reiter (Author), 2016, Green growth vs. economic development with pollution. Throw-away society vs. sustainability, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Green growth vs. economic development with pollution. Throw-away society vs. sustainability

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