Canadian Culture and National Identity

The School’s Role in Debating and Discussing the Roots of our National Identity

Scientific Essay, 2011

34 Pages




How Cultures Have Traditionally Transmitted Their Values

Revisioning the Traditional Culture

Why Culture and Identity Need to Be Addressed in the Schools

Commonplaces of Canadian Culture and Identity
1. Canada: A wilderness nation, a land of awesome size and grandeur, with savage beauty and incredible obstacles.
2. A northern nation the “true north strong and free”
3. Canada: Home of our First Nations. Our Native roots are deeply entwined in our Canadian way.
4 Canada: A nation state founded on European traditions by the English and the French.
5. Canada: A nation of Immigrants. We have been a multicultural land mass even before the European colonization and has been ever since.
6. Canada: A country of diverse and distinctive regions with powerful regional identities - Quebec, the Maritimes, the Prairies, for example.
7. Canada: A nation with a strong sense of social welfare, committed to providing a social safety net for all.
8. Canada: A land of remarkable freedoms with a goal of equity for all, regardless of sex, race, age, color, creed or disability enshrined in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms
9. Canada: A land of adventurers, innovators and entrepreneurs
10. Canada: A land of rich cultural traditions
11. Canada: Peace-keepers for the world and a partner with all nations.
12. Canada: Not American!

Conclusion: Keeping the conversation going


Excerpt out of 34 pages


Canadian Culture and National Identity
The School’s Role in Debating and Discussing the Roots of our National Identity
York University
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
File size
646 KB
Widely published articles on multiculturalism. Teaches at York University. Former school principal and school superintendent. Nominated for the York Presidents Teaching Award 2010
canadian culture, canadian identity, canada, commonplaces of canadian identity, canadian nationalism, peacekeeping, native peoples, first nations, Quebec, regionalism, regionalism in canada, charter of rights and freedoms, school's role in nationalism, education, antiracism, multiculturalism, canadian inventions, canadian artists, canadian geography, canadian north, polar canada, canada USA, "I am Canadian", french canadians, quebecois, praires, british columbia, maritimes, monarchy in canada, human rights in canada, canadian landscape, canadian history, immigrants to canada, canadian immigration
Quote paper
Dr. Jerry Diakiw (Author), 2011, Canadian Culture and National Identity, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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