Effects of Same-Day ART initiation on Treatment Outcomes

Seminar Paper, 2023

43 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the same day ART initiation on viral suppression; and identify predicators of viral suppression in the era of test and treat strategy.

A quantitative multicenter retrospective cohort study was conducted using routinely collected data in ART clinics during the initial and follow-up visits of clients in 18 public health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The same day initiation of antiretroviral treatment among PLHIV with age greater or equal to 15, regardless of their CD4 count can reduce morbidity, mortality, HIV transmission and eventually the incidence of new HIV infection. However, the effect of the same day ART
initiation on viral suppression remains contradicting.

The viral load suppression rate among the same day ART started was higher compared to those started ART after seven days, and is consistent with previous studies in other countries. TDF- based regimen, alive and on ART follow-up status, and working
functional status were predicators of viral suppression in this study. Strengthening the same day ART initiation with TDF based regimen is critical for prevention of HIV through viral suppression. Improving the quality of ART data is also essential to generate evidence and inform the practice.


Effects of Same-Day ART initiation on Treatment Outcomes
Public Health
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
ART Initiation , The same day , Viral Suppression
Quote paper
Girma Birru (Author), 2023, Effects of Same-Day ART initiation on Treatment Outcomes, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1478159


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