An Investigation into Advanced Tools and Strategies for Ensuring the Well-Being of Site Workers and the Surrounding Community in the Oforikrom Municipality

Enhancing Safety in Building Construction

Essay, 2024

67 Pages, Grade: 59.27

Abstract or Introduction

This research examines safety management and accident prevention practices in the construction sector of the Oforikrom Municipality, Ghana, where the industry faces a high number of work-related injuries and fatalities. The study involved 165 participants from various roles in construction, revealing a predominantly male workforce with most respondents aged between 20 and 30, possessing at least basic education. The research evaluated construction sites' adherence to environmental and safety regulations, finding a mix of compliance and non-compliance. It assessed the availability and safety of construction technology, highlighting concerns like inadequate protective equipment and unsafe operating practices. The study observed a correlation between adherence to safety protocols and reduced accidents, emphasizing the effectiveness of safety training and consistent practices. The impact of construction activities on nearby communities, including noise and dust pollution, was also explored. Barriers to effective safety implementation, such as limited financial resources and inadequate training, were identified. The research recommends collaborative efforts, improved communication among stakeholders, and adapting safety practices to the local context. Economic implications of safety investments were discussed, noting potential long-term benefits. Policy and regulatory recommendations include upgrading regulatory agencies' authority, mandatory safety training, tax incentives for safety investments, and stricter penalties for non-compliance. The study concludes by acknowledging limitations and suggesting areas for future research, such as investigating the long-term cost impact of safety measures and exploring psychological factors influencing worker engagement in safety practices. Overall, the findings underscore the importance of safety measures in the construction industry and provide insights for enhancing safety practices and regulations in Ghana.


An Investigation into Advanced Tools and Strategies for Ensuring the Well-Being of Site Workers and the Surrounding Community in the Oforikrom Municipality
Enhancing Safety in Building Construction
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology  (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology)
Bsc. Land Economy
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
Safety in Construction, safety management, accident prevention practices
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Samuel Kesseh (Author), 2024, An Investigation into Advanced Tools and Strategies for Ensuring the Well-Being of Site Workers and the Surrounding Community in the Oforikrom Municipality, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: An Investigation into Advanced Tools and Strategies for Ensuring the Well-Being of Site Workers and the Surrounding Community in the Oforikrom Municipality

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