Eusebius of Caesarea's Perspective in Early Christianity. An Analysis of the Views on Human Affairs and Events

Term Paper, 2021

15 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The paper delves into the actions of early Christian bishops, the persecution faced by converts from paganism, and the challenges encountered in spreading Christianity. Eusebius meticulously chronicles the first 300 years of Christianity, culminating in the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted Christians religious freedom within the Roman Empire.

The introduction highlights Asia Minor's significance as a hub for early Christianity, hosting pivotal councils, influential clergy, and the genesis of Christian foundations. Eusebius' seminal work, "The Church History," serves as a crucial historical account of early Christianity, aiming to chronicle the apostolic successions and major events in Church history. Beyond mere historical narrative, Eusebius also aims to expose and critique those who deviated from orthodox beliefs, portraying them as disruptive forces within the Christian community.

Despite praising Eusebius' wisdom, the introduction acknowledges criticisms of his work, particularly regarding the lack of evidence and stylistic confusion. While Eusebius' contributions to early Christian history are invaluable, his limitations as a historian are not overlooked, providing a balanced perspective on his legacy.


Eusebius of Caesarea's Perspective in Early Christianity. An Analysis of the Views on Human Affairs and Events
University of Bayreuth
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
Asia Minor,, Early Christian Period,, Eusebius, Church History, Bishops, Persecution, Apostles, Edict of Milan, Roman Empire, Türkiye, Nicea
Quote paper
Ugurcan Bayrak (Author), 2021, Eusebius of Caesarea's Perspective in Early Christianity. An Analysis of the Views on Human Affairs and Events, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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