Living together in an ethnic diversified society

Unterrichtsreihe über 6 Unterrichtsstunden

Term Paper, 2020

17 Pages, Grade: 1,7

Abstract or Introduction

Living together in an ethnic diversified society.

- Teaching series: Living together in an ethnic diversified society (illustrated by different media);
- Series of lessons;
- Lesson - Living in Detroit today (Poetry);
- Rough sequence of the double lesson (90 min);
- Detailed procedure of the lesson;
- Selected poems for group work;
- Attachment.

This series of lessons is carried out in a class at the vocational college for future educators. They are usually between 16 and 30 years old and come from different schools and thus also with different school-leaving qualifications and knowledge. The vocational college in particular is a type of school where the learning group is very heterogeneous. Some students do their training as educators directly after graduating from secondary school and are therefore only 16 years old. However, there are also students who are already 30 years old, some of whom have children or a university degree and are using the training as an educator as retraining or further training. Thus, the level of knowledge and skills at the vocational college varies more than at any other type of school. The teacher must learn to deal with this heterogeneity, sometimes create several sheets and exercises for the different levels of knowledge, so that each learner has the opportunity to get better and prove himself within his framework. Also, the teacher can use the already existing heterogeneity to work in smaller groups that are also heterogeneous, so that the students with a higher level of English and knowledge help the students who need more support. The class has about 20 students. The lesson series consists of six units. Each unit is a double lesson.


Living together in an ethnic diversified society
Unterrichtsreihe über 6 Unterrichtsstunden
University of Dortmund
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Living, Detroit, Global, Global village, Unterrichtsentwurf, school, society, migration, refugees, Englischunterricht, English, series of lessons
Quote paper
Annemarie Mehler (Author), 2020, Living together in an ethnic diversified society, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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