The Cybercrime Legislation in Pakistan. Comparative study of European Union and Pakistani Cybercrime Laws

Bachelor Thesis, 2023

62 Pages, Grade: final

Abstract or Introduction

The research work is aimed at focusing on a comparative study of the cyber Crimes legislation in the European Union and Pakistan. The doctrinal method of research is used to critically analyze the cybercrime laws of the EU and Pakistan. This method is used in legal research to examine laws. The research design for this work is of comparative nature. This research work analyzes the EU legislation which is related to cybersecurity. It mentions all the relevant EU regulations.

The second part of this study discusses the kinds of crimes which are committed in cyberspace. The third part of this research work focuses on cybercrimes in Pakistan. It focuses on the relevant cybercrime laws in Pakistan. It also comparatively analyzes the EU cybercrime laws and Pakistani cybercrime laws, and it mentions a number of cases in this regard from both regions.

With the advancement in Information technology, the legal issues relating to it needs more précised solution and well-framed laws. A comparative study of Pakistani and European Union Law is aimed at ascertaining the lacunas and solutions which can be made in the legal system of Pakistan.

With the recent development in the field of information technology, people are able to communicate in a more efficient way in cyberspace. As this efficient way of communication is used by almost everyone in this era so the interactions and the reasons for these interactions are also increased.

In a normal society, disputes arise due to which laws are framed similarly in cyberspace as well these disputes are in large numbers across the world and these need well-framed laws. From this perspective, it is obvious that with the passage of time, the need for laws and proper enforcement mechanisms becomes necessary. For this purpose, the EU has made a number of cybercrime legal frameworks.


The Cybercrime Legislation in Pakistan. Comparative study of European Union and Pakistani Cybercrime Laws
International Islamic University  (International Islamic University)
Catalog Number
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cybercrimes, cybersecurity, law, European Union Law
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Sabahat Akhtar (Author), 2023, The Cybercrime Legislation in Pakistan. Comparative study of European Union and Pakistani Cybercrime Laws, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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