Sleep Quality Among Staff Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic

Bachelor Thesis, 2022

86 Pages, Grade: passed

Abstract or Introduction

This study assessed the sleep quality among staff nurses in Cebu South Medical Center, Talisay City.

A descriptive cross-sectional design was used in this study. The respondents were 132 staff nurses. The main instrument used was the adopted Pittsburgh modified survey questionnaire entitled "Pittsburgh Sleep Quality" (PSQI). In order to ensure the validity and accuracy of the results, a simple percentage was used to determine the profile of the respondents; weighted mean, t-test, and ANOVA were used in order to assess the sleep quality among staff nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The majority of the respondents were in the age bracket of 26–35 years old, mostly females, married, the majority were working 12 hours in day shift, most of the respondents are in the length of service for 5–6 years with the job position as staff nurses.
Based on the findings, the researchers recommended an action plan that answers the statements with the lowest mean of components of sleep quality among staff nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Addressing the sleep quality problem among staff nurses is preferable to ensure that their health conditions will not be put at risk. The action plan focused on implementing awareness and management among staff nurses and also the importance of having sleep quality, especially for promoting safety and care for oneself and the public.


Sleep Quality Among Staff Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic
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Sleep quality, nurses, covid19pandemic
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Cheryl Labao (Author)April Rose Azarcon (Author)Mary Liz Babayson (Author)Mary Rose Bautista (Author)Mary Loucita Canada (Author)Jasmin Panilagao (Author)Michelle Rebelleza (Author), 2022, Sleep Quality Among Staff Nurses During Covid-19 Pandemic, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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