Student Nurses’ Skills Performance on Handwashing. During Virtual and Post Virtual Experience

Thèse de Bachelor, 2023

68 Pages, Note: passed

Résumé ou Introduction

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, return demonstrations in Nursing Education has been optimized to give the students the ability to perform and continue learning via virtual learning experiences.

This study examines the student nurses’ skills performance on handwashing during virtual and post virtual learning experiences. The research utilized a descriptive cross-sectional design and employed a procedural checklist sourced from the University of Cebu College of Nursing Clinical Learning Experience Record Book.

The checklist used a 5-point Likert Scale to evaluate the participants' handwashing skills during both virtual and post-virtual learning experiences. The study comprised 28 Level 3 nursing students, predominantly aged between 20 - 40, who were able to perform handwashing procedures and were currently enrolled in the third year's second semester at University of Cebu Pardo and Talisay Inc. The majority of the participants were female. Overall, the data indicated a significant distinction between the two types of learning experiences.

The study concluded that factors such as age, gender, and household support had no substantial impact on the skill performance of student nurses in handwashing during virtual and post-virtual learning experiences. The study concludes that, the availability of necessary resources plays a crucial role in enabling students to properly carry out the handwashing procedure. Handwashing holds significance in every clinical procedure, and proficiency in hand hygiene is a critical outcome in nursing education. It is crucial to ensure that student nurses clearly understand the what, when, and how aspects of hand hygiene, especially in light of the rising rates of healthcare associated infections.

Résumé des informations

Student Nurses’ Skills Performance on Handwashing. During Virtual and Post Virtual Experience
N° de catalogue
ISBN (ebook)
ISBN (Livre)
Mots clés
Handwashing,Related Learning Experience,Virtual Learning
Citation du texte
Rowena Tibon (Auteur)Reggielyn Grengia (Auteur)Jose Rafael Guinto (Auteur)Marie Rose Jangzon (Auteur)Rosavel Jeroy (Auteur), 2023, Student Nurses’ Skills Performance on Handwashing. During Virtual and Post Virtual Experience, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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