Eye movement behavior across four different types of reading task by Arnt Lykke Jakobson and Kristian T.H. Jensen

A Review

Essay, 2018

14 Pages, Grade: 1,0


Abstract or Introduction

A necessity of multimodal translation has arisen in the last century with the upcoming occurrence of international series, films, advertisements that have to be translated from one target language to the source language.

Multimodality describes thereby the phenomenon of the interactive combination of audiovisual with verbal elements. That means that the translation has to include the non-verbal dimension to the verbal one because all these dimensions constitute (combined) the overall meaning that is conveyed through various inter-semiotic correlating channels.

The following paper deals therefore with the difficulties of multimodal translation in advertisements and conducts a comparative analysis based on the Brazilian and American-English advertisement for the product „Garnier Nutrisse Creme“ (a coloration for the hair)" to demonstrate that there occur a lot of differences in the translation because of cultural adaptation, the functions that these advertisements are fulfilling, and the aimed effect on the receptors.

Furthermore, the method of eye-tracking will be included to capture the movements to retrace the cognitive comprehension and translation process of the ad watcher and to support the hypotheses that were worked out in the analysis. The analysis include cultural, semantic, and pragmatic differences that are linked to focus shifts in the text. These shiftings appear in the written and the oral text. The method of eyetracking is used to emphasize the hypothesis that are made up in the previous analysis of the written and the oral text.


Eye movement behavior across four different types of reading task by Arnt Lykke Jakobson and Kristian T.H. Jensen
A Review
Saarland University
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linguistics, Sprachwissenschaft, multimodality, computerlinguistics, Textwissenschaft, Translationswissenschaft, cultural studies, advertisements, eye tracking, dubbing translation, translation, polysemiotics, multimodal translations
Quote paper
Anonymous, 2018, Eye movement behavior across four different types of reading task by Arnt Lykke Jakobson and Kristian T.H. Jensen, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1365103


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Title: Eye movement behavior across four different types of reading task by
Arnt Lykke Jakobson and Kristian T.H. Jensen

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