The fractal nature of isolines in a field

Relief and Fraktal

Essay, 2023

11 Pages


The fractal nature of isolines in a field. Relief and Fraktal

Michel Felgenhauer, Berlin

When evaluating image data from flow analyzes, the task emerges to quantify the quality of currents that exist in the afterlife of a interference contour. The image data comes from laboratory experiments on the wind tunnel or are the calculation result from computer simulations. The intervention names a procedure of digital image processing, which is suitable for detection in -idy densities in speed fields of regular flow fields.

Contour lines, or isolinia (Greek: isos = equal) are lines that connect points of the same values within a field. In order to visualize measurement data or calculation variables from numerical simulations, isolinias are preferably shown in axis - compliant cuts of the three -dimensional field. In this smart essay, Isoline fields in selected cutting levels primarily treat representations of speed fields. Isotachen are called isolinia over speeds. In Isolinia, the viewer is also aware of gradient in a natural way, because an accumulation or absence of curves of the same values (isolinia) indicates a more or less large change in the parameter shown.1

The nature of isoline visualization is in the advancement of isolinia, which is now being evaluated via the plan, which must now be evaluated. The task of detecting a gradient immediately understands the human eye. In digital image processing, the so -called fractal nature of graphic representations is occasionally argued.

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The significant analysis parameter is the fractal dimension FR, which is based on the non-supplementary, broken Hausdorff-Number used in chaos theory2. The concept introduced by Felix Hausdorff assigns rational numbers to any metric rooms. For simple geometric objects, their value agrees with that of the ordinary dimension concept. Unlike the Euclidean dimensions theory, the Hausdorff­Number assumes that the dimension of a structure can be broken and has a mantis, i.e. are not rational numbers. This made the Benoit Mandelbrot3to shape the term "fractal" and to define as follows:

According to definition, a fractal is a lot whose Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension really exceeds the topological dimension.

Ein Fraktal ist nach Definition eine Menge, deren Hausdorff-Besicovitch- Dimension echt die topologische Dimensionübersteigt .

The complexity parameter FR listed in this essay has already been used successfully to solve classification tasks that are related to the correlations of physical properties in and the homotopes of vertebral structures. The code of the algorithm used here for determining the fractal dimension FR is based on statistical methods of image analysis and is very efficient and fast. He uses the box-count method for regular matrices that come from RGB images. The algorithm filters an RGB image into a (quasibinarian) matrix A and invert it. The new matrize B now only contains elements Hi = 256 (RGB-White) and LO = 0 (RGB-Black).

This also applies to very complex facts, such as the detection of priority in a speed field, which itself is again a vector.

Michel Felgenhauer, Berlin

Michel Felgenhauer is the pseudonym of the engineer Michael Dienst from Wiesbaden, Germany. I live and work in Berlin, I am spokesman for the Bionic Research Unit and I have been a lecturer in Bionic Engineering at the Berlin University of the Arts and the Industrial Design Institute of the Magdeburg, University of Applied Sciences.

Martha Felgenhauer died in 1943 as a young woman in Ziegenhals, Silesia. Those who knew her say we are kindred spirits. So occasionally I tell my grandmother stories of friendly science.

Berlin, 2023

BIBLIOGRAPHIE, Quellen und weiterführende Literatur

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[DUB-95] Dubbel, Handbuch des Maschinenbaus, Springer Verlag Berlin, 15.Auflage 1995.

[Fel - 19-2] Felgenhauer, Mi. (2019) BIONIK UND DIGITALE BILDVERARBEITUNG Laterale Inhibition und Aktivierung. Grin Verlag München, ISBN(e-Book) 9783668874541, ISBN(Buch): 9783668874558

[Fel -19-1] Felgenhauer, Mi. (2019) MATRIZENVERFAHREN ZUR DIGITALEN BILDVERARBEITUNG. Facettenaugen als Vorbild schneller Algorithmen in der Bildsynthese. Grin Verlag München

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MikeRun, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

<a title="MikeRun, CC BY-SA 4.0 &lt;;, via

Wikimedia Commons" href=" lines.jpg"><img width="512" alt="Relief-with-contour-lines" src=" lines.jpg/512px-Relief-with-contour-lines.jpg"></a>



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1 Aus: MikeRun, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, https://commons.wikimedia.Org/wiki/File:Relief-with-contour-lines.jpg

2 Die Chaosforschung oder Chaostheorie bezeichnet ein nicht klar umgrenztes Teilgebiet der nichtlinearen Dynamik bzw. der dynamischen Systeme, welches der mathematischen Physik oder angewandten Mathematik zugeordnet ist. In den 80er Jahren dvJ. beschäftigt sich die CT mit Ordnungen in speziellen dynamischen Systemen, deren zeitliche Entwicklung unvorhersagbar erscheint, obwohl die zugrundeliegenden Gleichungen deterministisch sind.

3Benoit B. Mandelbrot (* 20. November 1924 in Warschau; t 14. Oktober 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts) war ein französisch-US-amerikanischer Mathematiker. Er leistete Beiträge zu einem breiten Spektrum mathematischer Probleme, einschließlich der theoretischen Physik, der Finanzmathematik und der Chaosforschung. Am bekanntesten aber wurde er als Vater der fraktalen Geometrie (wikipedia).

Benoit B. Mandelbrot ((1987) Die fraktale Geomerie der Natur. Birkhäuser Verlag Basel, S.27.

Excerpt out of 11 pages


The fractal nature of isolines in a field
Relief and Fraktal
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Michel Felgenhauer is the pseudonym of the engineer XY from Wiesbaden, Germany. I live and work in Berlin, I am spokesman for the Bionic Research Unit and I have been a lecturer in Bionic Engineering at the Berlin University of the Arts and the Industrial Design Institute of the Magdeburg, University of Applied Sciences. Martha Felgenhauer died in 1943 as a young woman in Ziegenhals, Silesia. Those who knew her say we are kindred spirits. So occasionally I tell my grandmother stories of friendly science. Berlin, 2023
relief, fraktal
Quote paper
Michel Felgenhauer (Author), 2023, The fractal nature of isolines in a field, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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